Di forma pressoché rettangolare, la “Villa comunale” era situata nel centro della città, tra moltissime case, e con alle spalle la chiesa di S. Rocco,  era delimitata da una staccionata di rete ed aveva al centro una fontana ornamentale. Era ben curata e divisa in piccoli giardini con la centro una palma. La zona in cui era situata corrisponde, attualmente, a piazza “De Gasperi”.


With its form almost rectangular, the “Villa comunale” was situated in the centre of the city, between a lot of buildings, and behind the church “San Rocco”.

“Villa comunale” was delimited with a grid stockade and it had an ornamental fountain on its centre. By the picture, we can see that it was very accurate and divided into small gardens each one with a palm on its centre.


De forme rectangulaire, les jardins publics étaient situés dans le centre ville parmi plusieurs habitations et derrière l ‘église de «S. Rocco». Délimités par une palissade, ils avaient au centre une fontaine ornementale. Ils étaient divisés en parterres bien soignés au milieu desquels il y avait un palmier.

