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Movement on My Monitor: Video on the Web #105: [1] RedNova
By McDermott, Irene E Since 1994, we have known Web pages as a kind of "window shade," as my UCLA library school teacher Esther Grassian described it. A click of a mouse opens a connection to the Internet and pulls data down until a Web page is fully loaded.
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — The Daily Press is looking for your pictures. We’ll take photos you’ve taken from various events, happenings in the community, your travels, animals or just people on the street for our new “Our Community” page.
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
Wednesday, Nov. 8: Olathe Planning Area, 6 p.m., Olathe Elementary School library. Tuesday, Nov. 14: East Valley/Cimarron Planning Area, 6:30 p.m., Montrose Pavilion.
AROUND THE VALLEY Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — The Montrose County Courthouse is open for early voting through Friday, Nov. 3, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, call 252-4555.
AROUND THE VALLEY Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — Due to icy conditions, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has closed the East Portal Road for the winter.
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — The city of Montrose and Montrose Police Department will accept applications Nov. 1-17 for the 2006 “Cops for Kids” program to provide toys for disadvantaged children at Christmas.
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
DELTA — The Public Lands Partnership will host a community forum about the challenges and management options under consideration for the Escalante-Dominguez area Thursday, Nov. 2 at at the Bill Heddles Recreation Center from 6:15 p.m. to 9 p.m. Among the topics of discussion will be the possibility of designating parts of the area as a National Conservation Area and Designated Wilderness.
Dining with Diabetes Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — Montrose County Health Services presents “Dining with Diabetes for the Holidays” on the following Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Classes will be held on: Oct. 26, Nov. 2, Nov. 9, and Nov. 16. Call Sandy at 252-5097 to reserve space.
For entire listing of ‘Around the Valley,’ please visit www.montrosepress.com and click under local news Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — Montrose County Health Services will hold its annual flu vaccination clinic from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 25. The clinic will be a drive through clinic in Baldridge (Riverbottom) Park. Registration, payment and the actual shot will all be given to the person while he or she is in the car.

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