SyncTERM -- A BBS terminal program for Windows, UNIX/Linux, Mac OS A BBS terminal program that supports ANSI art, Zmodem fer protocol, ANSI music, Telnet, RLogin, SSH, and RAW connections, etc. Also, works with all kinds of operating systems looking for a unix terminal emulator forum: oracle database administration posted by: jmac post time: 10-24-2006 at 11:30 am create mac os x applescript application to call unix/terminal commands to do this, load up the applescript editor and enter the following:. do shell script "" replacing … with the command that you wish to run. if the command requires administrator privileges then append the command with ‘with init cant get /dev/console for controlling terminal: operation not Summary: After upgrading (make buildworld ) I do not receive the logon prompt anymore. unix terminal - my bashrc this bashrc file. do what ever, rip it, copy it, burn it or send it - but if you do something cool to your bashrc let me know. and finally, to get you started - here is my .bashrc file. tags: unix, linux, bash, prompt, bashrc, terminal restrict user access to terminal/ hosts hi gurus, tried searching for something similiar in this forum but not really what i want. and i have tried to post in the forum but no constructive reply, so i decided to try in this forum. hope i can get some light out of it. this is Keep that SQL in Ruby or doing it right with migrations This way if you need to deploy your entire application from Unix/MySQL to To get this migration we type the following into the terminal (please note the habtm So, now, all you have to do to get this running is open that terminal unix terminal - my bashrc david g. hong’s unix/linux .bashrc file for terminals. read more | digg story send sms to cingular users via terminal this is my first hint, and it is really a trivial idea i had. i thought it would be neat to send a text message from terminal using curl. so here it goes: curl -d "from=$1&min=$2&msg=$3" \ http://www.cingularme.com/do/public/send unix terminal in mac os x i am using bash shell on tiger. suddenly i forgot how to customize the login script. here it is:. bash first looks in /etc/profile, then, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile in this order. so i should create ~/.bash_profile
Unix Terminal Emulator | VT/100 and VT/220 Terminal Emulation Unix Terminal Emulator | VT/100 and VT/220 Terminal Emulation. Free Trial Download. 100% money back guarantee. Windows XP and Windows 2000 Compatible. Unix Terminal Emulators DEC VT/UNIX Terminal Emulators. The following products provide emulation and connectivity to DEC The next generation terminal emulator for Unix systems. freshmeat.net: Project details for Cellphone Unix Terminal freshmeat maintains the Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform open source software. Thousands of applications are metiusly cataloged in the CUTs - Cellphone Unix Terminal (script(s)) Enables you to use a normal cellphone as a Unix/Linux terminal from anywhere. Windows X Server and UNIX Terminal Emulation WRQ Reflection X provides a PC X server, accurately displaying graphical X Window applciations on a thin client or Windows PC Desktop. Includes UNIX
freshmeat.net: Project details for Cellphone Unix Terminal freshmeat maintains the Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform open source software. Thousands of applications are metiusly cataloged in the CUTs - Cellphone Unix Terminal (script(s)) Enables you to use a normal cellphone as a Unix/Linux terminal from anywhere. Windows X Server and UNIX Terminal Emulation WRQ Reflection X provides a PC X server, accurately displaying graphical X Window applciations on a thin client or Windows PC Desktop. Includes UNIX JS/UIX - Terminal JS/UIX - virtual JavaScript-OS and UNIX-emulator. terminal. A complete keyboard can be accessed at the lower left. Compatibility: Netscape 4+, ETH - Informatikdienste - Terminal Zugang auf Unix-Workstations Terminal Zugang auf Unix-Workstations (remote login). Computerräume für Studierende Index. Arbeitsräume Informatikdienste · Weitere Arbeitsräume CUTs - Cellphone Unix Terminal (script(s)) CUTs - Cellphone Unix Terminal (script(s)). CUTs is a cool hack that lets you use text messaging to control your Linux box. "If you have a cellphone capable Unicode Terminals The Unix terminal is an ancient beast as you can sometimes tell by error messages like "Not a typewriter" which refers to the teletypewriter device of the ITS - Unix Terminal Service (Isis Login) Information Technology Services - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.