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Happy Birthday Google Base!
By Bindu Reddy, Product Manager. It's been one year since we launched Google Base, and the team would like to take the opportunity to thank all our users for all of the hundreds of millions of items that have been submitted,
Museum Blogs 5000
The Museum Blogs directory reached a new milestone today there are now 5000 “re-posts” on the site. There are now 86 blogs in the directory and they are being adding at a rate of just under 10 a month (100 by 2007?).
Spreading the AJAX love
Posted by Dan Peterson, Product Manager You may have heard that the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) makes AJAX development easier, but now we've made it even easier to dive into AJAX. GWT 1.2 supports development on Mac OS X.
Now I'm Feeling Zombified
The good news is that I have arrived back home in Detroit -- Woot! The bad news is that I'm operating on about 2 1/2 hours of sleep (not counting those lovely spurts of semi-sleep thruout the 4 hour flight from LA to Detroit) -- Boo!
Yes, it's true I'm leaving AOL.
final episode of the Gillmor Gang podcast--which we happen to be doing tomorrow (crazy coincidence I know). Your pal, Jason PS - Thanks to everyone sending emails, IMing, and calling. Permalink | Email this | Linking Blogs | Comments
Milton Friedman has died
Nobel-winning economist Milton Friedman has died. For me his most impressive ability was the ability to combine empirical research and communicate sharp insights, especially in the domain of free markets. For those who know about him
One blog or two?
When I started the blogging schtick, it made sense in my weird little bubble to have two blogs: one for the work/technology side of Kellypuffs, and the other for the family, house, quilting, etc - the "softer side of Kelly".
“Just What Is a Weblog Anyway?” by Luis Suarez
"Some time ago Wanda Richards asked me to write up an article about something that I have been so passionate about for so long that I just couldn’t ignore the invitation: weblogs or, in short, blogs. I am sure that by now,
Milton Friedman, 1912-2006
Milton FriedmanWe have just learned of the death today of Milton Friedman. Friedman's contributions to economics and the public economic policy of the United States were extraordinary. Stephen Chapman wrote in the Chicago Tribune: "It
Genealogy Blogs: Journaling Made Easy
Web logs, also known as "blogs," are a highly popular means of communicating A blog is really a journal, or an online diary, to which a person publishes column is a blog, but there are thousands of others on many, many topics.

Kataweb | Blog
Crea il tuo blog | Contatti. Per un corretta visualizzazione del sito consulta la pagina dei requisiti di sistema. Username:. Password:
BLOGITALIA.IT - La directory italiana dei blog
Directory di blog italiani divisi per categoria e zona geografica.
La Stampa Web
Con i blog de La Stampa da oggi puoi diventare editore di te stesso! Crea subito il tuo diario online: potrai pubblicare opinioni, dialogare con i lettori,
Tiscali Blog
Offre la possibilità di registrarsi per creare e gestire gratuitamente il proprio blog.
<edit> - Il blog di HTML.it
Il blog di HTML.it su web design, web development, sicurezza.

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