


Weight Watching
Again, it is my mother's voice in my head saying "nobody should eat two eggs". Withers suspects that WW, which declined to comment, who email and beam it to one another - a viral phenomenon Weight Watchers can't quash.
Last WWI Canadian to be offered State Funeral upon passing
All it takes is a quick email or phone call if they aren’t with you right now, and tell them that if you lose your life in an accident, that you want them to try and save someone else’s using your organs. Just yesterday in the news I
Social and Enterprise Groupware Primer
Groupware has existed (in various forms) since the invention of email. Multiply, PeopleAggregator, and Wetpaint - which we've profiled already on R/WW, Groupware makes it possible for these virtual teams to keep precise track of
Re: The Trigger for WW III
It has happened to Olivia more than once, but this is the first time > they got me. > > It was strange because I could sit here and watch dozens of emails > going out my email account, but I could not stop it. The messages being
interview: can userplane help form aol?
r/ww: you say (in the email i received) that userplane will help aol "embrace openness" - do you think aim will become a completely open platform in the near future, with open apis and ability to chat with other im systems? or will it
ww blog roll code & sign up!
just grab the code from inside the box at the bottom of this post and then drop it in the sidebar of your template. if you have any problems, check the space and quotations. i can try to help too, just drop me an email.
games by email
how does it work? simple. pick a game, then tell us your email address and your wwii financial - acquire stocks, companies and power in a race for financial dominance. although games by email will accept donations, play is free,
more fun with email
eliminate ear mites all it takes is a few drops of wesson corn oil in your cat's ear. massage it in, quaker oats for fast pain's not for breakfast anymore! mix 2 cups of quaker oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and
when one door closes, another opens
first of alli got an email.from the fifi guy!!!! an apology! he's sorry who is there every single week and who has lost about 50 lbs and kept it am going to give this a try. the ww meeting place is actually right down the
ww two too many
anyway, gore’s boring email had this: “to those who say that the problems we face are too big for us, i say that we have accepted and successfully met such challenges in the past. we declared our liberty, and then won it. we designed a

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