Dell Customer Gets Windows Refund Slashdot
scottv67 writes "Dell today gave freelance programmer and sysadmin Dave Mitchell, of Sheffield, UK, a refund of 47 pounds ($89) for the unused copy of Microsoft Windows XP Home SP2 bundled with his new Dell Inspiron 640m laptop, Mitchell says. Dell also refunded the tax, for a total of £55.23 ($105)."
NVIDIA Delivers Near 2X Performance Boost with New Autodesk 3ds Max 9 and AutoCAD 2007 Software SYS-CON Media
NVIDIA Corporation , the worldwide leader in programmable graphics processor technologies, today announced the immediate availability of NVIDIA(R) MAXtreme(TM) 9 D3D and POWERdraft 2007, new performance drivers, developed in close collaboration with Autodesk, for 3ds Max 9 software and AutoCAD 2007 software. Recent tests show MAXtreme 9 drivers increased performance up to 100% when coupled with
NVIDIA Delivers Near 2X Performance Boost with New Autodesk 3ds Max 9 and AutoCAD 2007 Software FinanzNachrichten
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- NVIDIA Corporation , ( Nachrichten ) the worldwide leader in programmable graphics processor technologies, today announced the immediate availability of NVIDIA(R) MAXtreme(TM) 9 D3D and POWERdraft 2007, new performance drivers, developed in close collaboration with Autodesk, ( Nachrichten ) for 3ds Max 9 software and AutoCAD 2007 software.
NVIDIA Delivers Near 2X Performance Boost with New Autodesk 3ds Max 9 and AutoCAD 2007 Software PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
NVIDIA Corporation , the worldwide leader in programmable graphics processor technologies, today announced the immediate availability of NVIDIA® MAXtreme 9 D3D and POWERdraft 2007, new performance drivers, developed in close collaboration with Autodesk, for 3ds Max 9 software and AutoCAD 2007 software.
Facilities Management Software features AutoCAD® integration. ThomasNet
Available in over two dozen languages, including French, Spanish, and German, ARCHIBUS/FM® v16.2 links architectural drawings with room information to give users multi-dimensional views of their facilities and promote ROI on assets. Role-based Learning Path is integrated directly into Help system, and integral Process Navigators obey role and task security. Software also features DWG Editor, 2D
CAD/CAM Software delivers flexibility in CNC machining. ThomasNet
Mastercam X2 CAD/CAM software detects modifications to Mastercam, SolidWorks®, Solid Edge, and AutoCAD files, and marks operations if source geometry has changed. Software features high-speed toolpaths that produce fine finishes, and multiaxis toolpaths for machining strategy control, with smart interface that customizes to selected machining strategy. Changed files can be identified, and Change
Software assists in building survey and assessment. ThomasNet
Available in XP and CE editions, PowerCAD SiteMaster Pro v3 enables creation of AutoCAD®-compatible floor plan drawings and Excel®-compatible area and building asset reports. Software produces detailed building inspection results using handheld wireless lasers and Windows® computing system. Building surveying and information management software offers visual icon interface and touch-screen
GiveMePower Expands Canadian Distribution with Butler Survey Supplies SYS-CON Media
GiveMePower Corporation (OTCBB: GMPW), today announced it has strengthened its presence in the Canadian market by signing 28-year industry icon, Butler Survey Supplies of Calgary, as it's first authorized Premier Solutions Provider in Canada.
NVIDIA Delivers Performance Boost with New Autodesk Applications HardwareZone
NVIDIA Quadro FX Continues to Provide Users with Outstanding Performance Improvements for Autodesk's New Direct3D and OpenGL-Based Applications
AutoCad 2000 and Windows XP Pro - TechSpot Troubleshooting
[vb Sitemap] AutoCad 2000 and Windows XP Pro Misc. Software & Utilities.
Upgrade ad AUTOCAD LT 2006
AutoCAD LT® 2006 migliora l'efficienza grazie alla compatibilità totale con il formato di Windows XP Home, ü, ü, ü. Windows XP per TabletPC, ü, ü, ü
ePRICE - AUTODESK - 05727-161452-9300 - AutoCAD LT 2007
Acquista l'articolo AutoCAD LT 2007 Aggiornamento Italiano ad un prezzo imbattibile. Sistema operativo richiesto, Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition,
Corsi Introduzione all'informatica - emagister.it
e specializzanti ed esercitazioni di laboratorio. i principali argomenti trattati sono: introduzione hardware e software, windows xp professional, internet,
Autodesk - Kompatibilität der Produkte von Autodesk mit Windows XP
AutoCAD 2002 wurde beispielsweise mit Upgrades von Windows 2000, Windows NT(r) und Windows 98 auf Windows XP getestet. Hinweis: Aus Gründen der
ePRICE - AUTODESK - 05727-161452-9300 - AutoCAD LT 2007
Acquista l'articolo AutoCAD LT 2007 Aggiornamento Italiano ad un prezzo imbattibile. Sistema operativo richiesto, Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition,
Corsi Introduzione all'informatica - emagister.it
e specializzanti ed esercitazioni di laboratorio. i principali argomenti trattati sono: introduzione hardware e software, windows xp professional, internet,
Autodesk - Kompatibilität der Produkte von Autodesk mit Windows XP
AutoCAD 2002 wurde beispielsweise mit Upgrades von Windows 2000, Windows NT(r) und Windows 98 auf Windows XP getestet. Hinweis: Aus Gründen der
AutoCAD LT® 2007 migliora l'efficienza grazie alla completa Microsoft Windows XP Professional è il sistema operativo per Personal Computer,
Autocad 2004, Windows XP, rete e casella degli strumenti del
Autocad 2004, Windows XP, rete e casella degli strumenti del plotter Autocad.
Autodesk - AutoCAD - Funzionalità e specifiche
AutoCAD® 2007 consente di realizzare l'intento progettuale con strumenti avanzati per la Intel® 3.0 GHz o superiore; Windows XP Professional (SP2)
Tabella di confronto delle versioni di AutoCAD LT
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. 3. 3. 3. 3. Windows XP Professional. 3. 3. 3. 3. Tabella di confronto delle versioni di AutoCAD LT
Lavoro remoto su Windows XP - Universal Document Converter
Pagina web in immagine · Disegno AutoCAD in TIF Il software Connessione desktop remoto è già installato in Windows XP Professional e si trova in