Microsoft hopes latest software keeps business customers happy KATU Portland
The company is about to release a new Windows operating system and Office suite, and the stakes are particularly high now. Savvy competitors are challenging Microsoft's status as computing's vital plumbing provider.
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ResellerClub- , one of the largest private- labeled end to end Web service providers, today announced the value hosting offer for all its resellers.
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Windows Server 2003 Case Study: See how and why the world's largest domain name registrar switched from Linux to Windows. The Microsoft .NET Framework provided a better, more robust development environment than Linux, making it easier for Go Daddy engineers to build quality products.
Microsoft hoping for business upgrades AP via Yahoo! News
Bill Hartnett got accustomed to the screaming. As Microsoft Corp.'s manager of software sales to financial services companies, Hartnett used to get pelted with complaints about the security and reliability of Microsoft's products.
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Designed to be part of an organization's business continuity strategy, TimeScale(TM) Replication Services enable organizations to replicate vital data and recover data from secure data center. For Microsoft Windows users, data is replicated on continuous basis, and for Linux users, replication can be scheduled as specific as every 60 sec. Services compress data for bandwidth optimization and
Server Intellect Adds Private SSL VPN Capabilities to All Dedicated Servers W3Reports
Server Intellect, a leading provider of Windows-based Shared, Virtual Private Server (VPS) and Dedicated Web hosting solutions, announced today it has added the capabilities for Encrypted Virtual Private Networks (SSL VPN) to all of the company’s
Layered Technologies Deploys Ensim Web Host Industry Review
November 20, 2006 -- Web hosting automation software developer Ensim announced on Monday that Web hosting provider Layered Technologies has added the Ensim Pro X control panel for its Windows and Linux dedicated server hosting plans.
Microsoft Hoping for Business Upgrades
(AP) REDMOND, Wash. Bill Hartnett got accustomed to the screaming. As Microsoft Corp.'s manager of software sales to financial services companies, Hartnett used to get pelted with complaints about the security and reliability of Microsoft's products.
Microsoft Banks on Business Upgrades San Francisco Chronicle
Bill Hartnett got accustomed to the screaming. As Microsoft Corp.'s manager of software sales to financial services companies, Hartnett used to get pelted with complaints about the security and reliability of Microsoft's products. Hartnett speaks
Microsoft hoping for business upgrades Sharewatch
Hartnett speaks openly about those dark days because he\'s sure they\'re well past. He and his colleagues contend the company is about to give businesses compelling reasons to not just tolerate Microsoft, but to be thrilled with it.

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