Okoker WMV to AVI DVD VCD MPEG Converter-Burner for tomp4.com 4.39
(Version: 4.39, Shareware: 29.95 USD, Release: Sep 20 2006, Audio & Multimedia::Video Tools) Screenshot: http://www.tomp4.com/twodownload/dvd-utilities/images/Okoker- WMV-to-AVI-DVD-VCD-MPEG-Converter-Burner.jpg
Perfect DVD Duplication for tomp4.com 4.39 by tomp4
(Version: 4.39, Shareware: 29.95 USD, Release: Sep 20 2006, Audio & Multimedia::Video Tools) Screenshot: http://www.tomp4.com/twodownload/dvd-utilities/images/Perfect-DVD-Duplication.gif
DVD To MPG Converter 1.00 by My DVD Tools
by specifying the start and end time with precision of 1 second. (Version: 1.00, Shareware: 19.95 USD, Release: May 12 2006, Audio & Multimedia::Rippers & Converters) Screenshot: http://www.mydvdtools.com/images/beginendmpg01.gif
DVD To RM Converter 1.00 by My DVD Tools
You can also set the beginning and end time to convert a segment of a DVD. (Version: 1.00, Shareware: 19.95 USD, Release: May 12 2006, Audio & Multimedia::Rippers & Converters) Screenshot: http://www.mydvdtools.com/images/beginendrm01.gif
iWOW 1.00 by SRS Labs, Inc.
for desktop speakers or headphones -Compact mini mode display option (Version: 1.00, Shareware: 19.99 USD, Release: Sep 21 2006, Audio & Multimedia::Other) Screenshot: http://www.srs-store.com/store-plugins/images/iwowplug-in.gif
DVD To WMV Converter 1.00 by My DVD Tools
You can also only rip part of the huge movie file by specifying the target chapters or start and end time of a segment. (Version: 1.00, Shareware: 19.95 USD, Release: May 12 2006, Audio & Multimedia::Rippers & Converters)
Video Apollo 2.20 by OD Studio
let you convert video files between many formats with ease. (Version: 2.20, Shareware: 24.95 USD, Release: Oct 24 2006, Audio & Multimedia::Video Tools) Screenshot: http://www.dvd-burner-ripper.com/video-apollo/images/video_apollo.gif
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Diamond Multimedia
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