I was attending a web chat regarding policy of US toward Iran
I was attending a web chat regarding policy of US toward Iran; sadly there were not many people from Iran. This is a link to James F. Jeffrey biography: http://usinfo.state.gov/usinfo/USINFO/Products/Webchats/jeffrey_16_nov_2006.html
The Six Biggest New Ideas In Chat
While similar to the old IRC chat rooms by basing conversations around topics, companies like Me.dium, Geesee, the newly launched InCircles, OthersOnline, and 3bubbles have incorporated your location on the web into chat in different
my first web chat
i did my first web chat yesterday. it was an open chat with net impact members. i was excited to do it, but as i did it, i realized how clunky the process was. i for all of you, a cript of our first csr web chat is attached.
SQL Server 2005 - Service Pack 2 - Web Chat Today At 9AM PST
The SQL Server Product Team will have a web chat later today From their site: If you have any questions regarding Service Pack 2, please join us in a public web chat tomorrow between 9:00am - 10:00am Pacific Time.
Technology chat and networking in the North West - NW Startup 2.0
Sam talked about web 2.0 and emerging technologies, the semantic web and the possibilities of what web 3.0 might be, as well as more esoteric I also talked about the way the low cost, function rich web 2.0 and SaaS tools can help,
Liverpool Victoria offers live interactive insurance web chat
UK insurer Liverpool Victoria is enhancing its motor and home insurance online offering by introducing Live Chat, a live online assistance service
web chat: animation in javascript
we held our first widgets web chat last week and, despite some bumps, had a good time doing it. so lets do it again. this thursday from 5:00 pm until 6:30 pm cet we will answer questions related to the opera animation library and
The Six Biggest New Ideas In Chat
Real time communication is one of the most innovative sectors on the web today. Below are some of the big ideas emerging in web instant messaging as it stands today and the services that exemplify them
widget web chat: javascript with aleto
we're holding another developer web chat today. we'll have a special guest this time: our very own christian krebs (aka aleto), a man who eats, sleeps, dreams and lives javascript. he's . here's some of his work:
24-hour developer support web chat for priority support customers
this short post with hopefully a very large font headline will catch your attention and remind priority support customers that you can contact developer support 24-hours a day, 5 days a week via our developer support web chat service.
Chat - Web Chat - www.mondochat.it
Atlantide è molto di più di una semplice web chat: è una vera e propria comunità E' una web chat velocissima: si accede dalla pagina iniziale del sito,
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Chat Italia Network, il primo chat network italiano. Chat line gratis in italiano, web chat italiana gratis, java chat italiana gratis, canali chat italiani
Libero - Community Chat
Digiland è la community del portale Libero: Chat, Cupido, Messaggeria, Forum, Sondaggi, della nostra, la community Italiana più interessante del web
Libero - Community Homepage
Digiland è la community del portale Libero: Chat, Cupido, Messaggeria, Forum, Sondaggi, Tribu, Crea il tuo Sito e molto altro Cerca nel web:
Azzurra WebChat
Azzurra IRC Network JAVirc Java Chat. ASPETTO DELLA CHAT. Sans Serif · Serif · Cursive · Monospaced · dimen. + · dimen. -. AUDIO. Abilita · Disabilita.
Libero - Community Chat
Digiland è la community del portale Libero: Chat, Cupido, Messaggeria, Forum, Sondaggi, della nostra, la community Italiana più interessante del web
Libero - Community Homepage
Digiland è la community del portale Libero: Chat, Cupido, Messaggeria, Forum, Sondaggi, Tribu, Crea il tuo Sito e molto altro Cerca nel web:
Azzurra WebChat
Azzurra IRC Network JAVirc Java Chat. ASPETTO DELLA CHAT. Sans Serif · Serif · Cursive · Monospaced · dimen. + · dimen. -. AUDIO. Abilita · Disabilita.
Chat - Web Chat Italiana PubliWeb
Chat italiana ad accesso gratuito e senza registrazione. Frequentatissima.
Chat - Chat sul web - Mille e una chat - www.mondochat.it
Se volete segnalare una web chat non presente in questa pagina, Una web chat basata sul canale IRC #chattiamo; è piuttosto frequentata ed ha parecchie
RCM Web Chat !! :-)
Non solo! nella finestra della chat compare anche l'indice dei forum presenti in Per partecipare alle chat o ai forum è necessario registrarsi in RCM!
XS4ALL | Webchat
With Webchat you can chat and get involved in discussions with other Webchat uses IRC (Internet Relay Chat), a worldwide network of chat servers.
WEBCHAT - Das Verzeichnis deutschsprachiger Chats - home
Webchat, die Schaltzentrale deutschsprachiger Chats.