GRISOFT Expands its AVG Security Solutions for GNU/Linux
The products include AVG Email Server Edition 7.5 for Linux/FreeBSD now with integrated anti-spam as well as new products for the GNU/Linux platform – AVG Anti-Virus Professional Edition 7.5 for Linux/FreeBSD and AVG File Server Edition
Compaq: Buy ANOTHER os because of virus
well appreantly compaq hasnt heard that there are virus’s out there that may distroy all together because the hd went blank via virus.the actual answer compaq this is fraud. i’ll just install linux on that and get it over with.
security: ipod virus by anthony lawrence
an apple contractor who supplies ipod hard drives uses a windows machine as part of its manufacturing/testing process. that machine installed a windows virus on a small number of ipods. the problem was caught fairly quickly
Astaro Security Linux 6.834 Beta branch
Astaro Security Linux is an all-in-one network security gateway that includes a firewall, intrusion protection, virus protection, spam protection, URL filtering, and a VPN gateway. Features include stateful packet inspection,
panda trials linux anti-virus software
security company panda has launched a beta version of panda desktopsecure for linux.the suite includes a signature-based detection mechanism for malicious code, the genetic heuristic engine, and a powerful firewall. panda aims to
download of the day: free avg 7.1 anti-virus for linux
sure linux popularity is growing everyday. it is only a matter of time before the linux operating system becomes more widely targeted by virus and malware writers. so getting a software protection is must.
Working with Mandrake :: RE: Linux.OSF.8759 is a virus with
OSF.8759 is a virus with enhanced backdoor capabilities Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:32 pm (GMT 0) On Monday 20 November 2006 22:20, Dave stood up and addressed the masses in /alt.os.linux.mandrake/ as follows:
does my linux distro have a virus???
forum: linux - general posted by: little_penguin post time: 10-25-2006 at 03:16 pm
the inquirer: how to install avg anti-virus for linux
avg anti-virus, one of the top free anti-virus solutions for windows, was quietly made available for linux earlier this year. the inquirer offers a quick how-to about installing it on red hat, suse or mandriva
howto: install f-prot anti-virus with gtk frontend
"f-prot anti-virus for linux was especially developed to effectively eradicate viruses threatening workstations running linux. it provides full protection against macro viruses and other forms of malicious software - including trojans"

PI: Virus, Linux il prossimo bersaglio?
Il produttore di AVG avverte: Linux cadrà vittima dei virus writer se il Pinguino continuerà a diffondersi su client aziendali e workstation
Clam AV [Download software gratis GNU GPL Anti-virus Linux ]
Un ottimo antivirus, molto conosciuto in ambiente Linux soprattutto per il suo utilizzo su server di posta. Sebbene nasca come antivirus per la scansione di
Linux.RST.B -
Type: Virus. Systems Affected: Linux. Linux.RST.B is a linux-based virus that infects ELF files and has backdoor capabilities.
::: - Analyst's Diary
Linux virus writers (and all other Unix flavours) face quite a few difficulties. For example, to modify ELF binaries, it's necessary to have root
Virus sous linux - jy[B]log
Pour ceux qui croient toujours que les virus ça va arriver sous linux et autres Plus de user linux, plus de virus linux : non, je n'y crois pas trop.

Linux.RST.B -
Type: Virus. Systems Affected: Linux. Linux.RST.B is a linux-based virus that infects ELF files and has backdoor capabilities. - Analyst's Diary
Linux virus writers (and all other Unix flavours) face quite a few difficulties. For example, to modify ELF binaries, it's necessary to have root
Virus sous linux - jy[B]log
Pour ceux qui croient toujours que les virus ça va arriver sous linux et autres Plus de user linux, plus de virus linux : non, je n'y crois pas trop.
Virus.Win32.Bi.a: per Windows e per Linux | Sicurezza | Webnews
Lo si può chiamare Virus.Win32.Bi.a oppure Virus.Linux.Bi.aa seconda del punto di vista, ma la realtà è che è stato scoperto da Kaspersky un
Kaspersky warns of cross-platform virus proof of concept
Kaspersky Labs today warned of a new proof-of-concept virus capable of infecting both Windows and Linux systems, and said it could indicate that virus
F-Prot Antivirus Downloads - Home & Corporate downloads - Download
Virus Signature Files. for Application / Script viruses and Trojans: F-Prot Antivirus for Linux · F-Prot Antivirus for BSD
F-Secure Anti-Virus Linux Client Security
F-Secure Anti-Virus Linux Client Security is a complete security solution for organizations using Linux on the desktops. With this truly unique solution,
Linux-Patch für Multiplattform-Virus -
Der kürzlich aufgetauchte Windows- und Linux-Virus verbreitet sich nicht unter jeder Virus.Linux.Bi.a bezeichnete Schädling infiziert ausführbare

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