Liberty Media Invests in Korean Online Virtual Pets Game "GoPets"
Seoul, Korea - GoPets, a Korea-based operator of an interactive 3D online world for virtual pets, announced on Monday that it has received an undisclosed sum as a strategic investment from Liberty Media
RE: Virtual Pets I'm going to help you people
Apparently all mature discussion has died from this thread so it's locked now
Virtual Pets
China’s one-dog policy In Beijing, the authorities have just imposed a one-pet policy. The stated reason for this is to stop the rise of rabies. The Ministry of Health says the disease is more prevalent than TB and AIDS in terms of
US Pat. No. 6722989 Virtual Pets
The '989 patent describes a portable electronic communication device with game software that simulates a virtual pet. The virtual pet is able to converse with a user who in turn is able to teach the pet new words.
furry paws versus neopets: virtual pet websites explored
playing with virtual pets can be fun or boring depending on the site that you choose. neopets and furry paws offer different experiences, but only one will keep you keep you coming back
virtual pets designed for real family fun
there's good news for children who want the fun of owning a pet but can't have a real dog or a cat in their home
adopt a virtual pet
Power pets - Play free games and adopt virtual pets. Everyone needs a virtual pet!This is a trial version of an advanced virtual pet program made for Windows 95, 98, or NT. (8MB). AdoptMe Register for free and adopt the virtual pet of
6 x tamagotchi connexion virtual pets v2 - $64.95
these tamagotchi connexion virtual pets are some of the best around and will give a child hours of great fun. you can name them, feed them, play games with them and with the built-in infra-red communi
I have a virtual pet
A friend of mine just emailed a link to some virtual pets website, while browsing this site, I found the cutest little tiger and I had to adpoted him So scroll down and pay tig a visit. Oh it's uber cool
virtual pet prefers real walks
until now, virtual pets (tamagotchi, nintendogs) have taught a generation of young americans that caring for your dog is accomplished by pressing various buttons to keep him from beeping too loudly. needless to say, it’s not the best

::: Virtual Pets
Adopt a virtual pet online: dogs, cats, horses, hamsters, birds, snakes, and others. Feed your pet, take it for walks, groom it, make it do tricks,
adoption centre - bunnyhero labs
interactive, virtual pets you can adopt to put on your webpage, livejournal, xanga, blog, etc for free!
Virtual Pet Links
Virtual pets links to online virtual pets, virtual pet downloads and free virtual pets for adoption.
Dress Up Games - Virtual Pets
Online virtual pets role playing games with dressups.
Power Pets - Adopt Virtual Pets and play Free Games in a Virtual World
Virtual pet community site, adopt animals, play games, and talk in their forums.

Virtual Pet Links
Virtual pets links to online virtual pets, virtual pet downloads and free virtual pets for adoption.
Dress Up Games - Virtual Pets
Online virtual pets role playing games with dressups.
Power Pets - Adopt Virtual Pets and play Free Games in a Virtual World
Virtual pet community site, adopt animals, play games, and talk in their forums.
Virtual Pet Adoptions | Home
Virtual pet adoptions. The largest online adoption site in Northern California.
The Virtual Pet Cemetery
Over the years, (Virtual Pet Cemetery) has grown to become the world's best known and most cherished online burial ground.
Open Directory - Games: Online: Virtual Pets
"Virtual Pets" search on:. AltaVista - A9 - AOL - Ask - Clusty - Gigablast - Google - Lycos - MSN - WiseNut - Yahoo · Google Web Directory
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Create a pet and take care of it online. Your new virtual pet will be yours forever. You are now rewarded 100MP whenever you create a new virtual pet!

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