SUSE Linux 9.2 security support is now discontinued
So, for others that may have missed this, be advised SUSE Linux 9.2 security support was discontinued earlier in the week. Regardless of which Operating System you choose, Read more for the SUSE Linux 9.2 announcement. read more
suse linux
suse linux: a complete guide to novell's community distribution will get you up to speed quickly and easily on suse, one of the most friendly and usable linux distributions around. from quick and easy installation to excellent hardware
Microsoft loves SUSE Linux true!
The bad news is raining thick and fast on Red Hat, the dominant Linux distro, what with Oracle last week seeking to undermine its server revenues, and Microsoft today seeking to undermine, its customer base, anointing Novell's SUSE as
Novell Discontinues Support for SUSE Linux 9.2
Some Linux distributions have longer lives than others. After two years of supported life, Novell is discontinuing support for SUSE Linux 9.2, effective yesterday. Its closest competitor, Red Hat's Fedora Core 3, which was released at
Make your computer a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server with a normal
With SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, your home computer can easily be converted into a LINUX server which can be used to host your own websites, email service, FTP service, etc
BrainStorm Cool Tip: Linking to Documents in SUSE Linux Enterprise
Want the convenience of getting to a file on the desktop, without having to store it there? This BrainStorm Cool Tip tells you how you can link any file type to any directory in SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
Observations on MS/Novell
MS saw for the past 5 years or so that it’s losing market share to Linux in the in Enterprise Linux, they can use it to split the FOSS community in two. Novell to spread FUD that they can sue you if you don’t use SUSE products,
Linux users owe Microsoft money?
"Novell pays us some money for the right to tell customers that anybody who uses SUSE Linux is appropriately covered," Ballmer said. This "is important to us, because [otherwise] we believe every Linux customer basically has an
A New Virtual Laptop - SUSE Linux 10.1 on a HP Pavilion dv2000
I was now able to continue my SUSE installation. I skipped the online registration, as this has severe problems in SUSE Linux 10.1 as shipped (here is Novell's apology). I tried to set up the display resolution (1200x800) during the
suse linux pro nine 2
comments: suse linux is the oldest commercial distro of linux, and they prove again why people are willing to pay for something that they can essentially get for free. suse 9.2 pro puts fedora core, mandrake, slackware, debian and the
Official website for the community-driven, open-development version of this distro. Find information on participation, bug reporting procedure,
Welcome to openSUSE.org - openSUSE
Released version: SUSE Linux 10.1 Development build: openSUSE 10.2 Beta 2 with Linux, there are many ways to participate in the openSUSE project.
SUSE - Wikipedia
Screenshot della versione 10.0 di SUSE Linux con ambiente desktop grafico KDE 3.4. SUSE è anche membro fondatore del Desktop Linux Consortium.
Mytech | News | Suse Linux 10. La prova su strada
Per chi non si fa problemi a mischiare software chiuso e aperto, Suse Linux 10.0 Evaluation (così si chiama la versione liberamente scaricabile) è quindi la
TuxJornal: La WebZine Italiana dedicata a Linux, all'OpenSource e
Suse Linux è sicuramente una delle distribuzioni GNU/Linux più adatte agli ambienti Grazie a Yast, l'installazione di Suse Linux Professional si è
Mytech | News | Suse Linux 10. La prova su strada
Per chi non si fa problemi a mischiare software chiuso e aperto, Suse Linux 10.0 Evaluation (così si chiama la versione liberamente scaricabile) è quindi la
Mytech | Aziende & Pmi | Suse Linux 10, in prova - le immagini
Suse Linux 10, in prova - le immagini. Il processo di installazione è forse il migliore attualmente disponibile per una distribuzione Linux,
TuxJornal: La WebZine Italiana dedicata a Linux, all'OpenSource e
Suse Linux è sicuramente una delle distribuzioni GNU/Linux più adatte agli ambienti Grazie a Yast, l'installazione di Suse Linux Professional si è
SuseItalia.org - Il sito italiano per gli utenti Suse
Ritrovo degli utenti italiani di Suse Linux. Sono presenti news e un forum.
Willkommen auf openSUSE.org - openSUSE
10. November: openSUSE 10.2 Beta 2 veröffentlicht; 10. November: Mailinglisten migriert; 13. Oktober: Aufgefrischte SUSE Linux 10.1 ISOs veröffentlicht
SUSE Linux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The SUSE Linux distribution was originally a German lation of Slackware For instance, SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (SLES 9) has fewer packages
PRECMA S.r.l. - Prezzi
Comprehensive information and resources about the Linux Suse 6.1 SuSE Linux 10.0 Professional Versione Italiana (disponibile dal 7 Ottobre 2005)
La nuova SuSE Linux Enterprise 10 | Articoli Linux | Linux.HTML.it
Presentazione di SuSE Linux Enterprise 10, la distribuzione Novell dalle due anime: una per i server e una per le workstation aziendali - Sezione Linux