Software offers WAN, server, and application monitoring. ThomasNet
Suited for small to medium-size enterprises, ManageEngine OpManager auto-discovers entire network, groups devices into intuitive maps, and monitors them in real-time. It instantaneously alerts system administrators on failure and provides comprehensive reports and graphs. MS SQL Monitor Add-on proactively monitors availability and performance of MS SQL 7.0/2000/2005 servers, while Instant SMS
Visualize your Database Schema CIOL
Analyzing database metadata or schema can be troublesome. Though there are tools available in products such as Oracle (Object Browser), and MS SQL Server (Enterprise Manager), such utilities are limited in what they let you do and you may have to grind for hours to understand the schema.
Muglia: Microsoft's future is in 64-bit CNET
Virtualization and 64-bit will be key planks of Microsoft's architecture, says server and tools chief Bob Muglia.
Which database is more secure? Oracle vs. Microsoft IT Observer
This paper will examine the differences between the security posture of Microsoft’s SQL Server and Oracle’s RDBMS based upon flaws reported by external security researchers and since fixed by the vendor in question.
Brief: Copyright Office publishes digital exemptions SecurityFocus
Copyright Office publishes digital exemptions >> Advertisement << ALERT: "How A Hacker Launches A Blind SQL Injection Attack Step-by-Step"!" - White Paper Blind SQL Injection can deliver total control of your server to a hacker giving them the ability to read, write and manipulate all data stored in your backend systems! Download this *FREE* white paper from SPI Dynamics for a complete guide
Take advantage of replication options in SQL Server 2000 Tech Republic
Copying data from your production databases to other database servers in the enterprise can be advantageous for a variety of reasons. In this article, Tim Chapman discusses replicating data in SQL Server 2000.
Query MySQL with C# CIOL
Install the MySQL database for Windows as explained in the article “MySQL for Windows’. For this article the following steps are required: We have used the final release of the .Net SDK. You can download it from http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/ . Once downloaded, run ‘setup.exe’ to install it.
Virtual recovery to the rescue IT Observer
For most businesses, ‘protecting the data’ – getting it out of the building – is the lynchpin that all other disaster recovery aspects rely on. But often, other measures need to be considered in order to ameliorate data replication and provide a robust business continuity solution.
Idera Announces Scalability Testing Solution for SQL Server Business Intelligence Applications SYS-CON Media
Idera, a leading provider of management and administration solutions for Microsoft SQL Server, today announced SQLscaler v2.0, enabling users to test and accurately predict the resource requirements and behavior of Microsoft SQL Server Business Intelligence applications prior to production roll-out.
Advisories, November 21, 2006 Linux Today
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to download:

Guida SQL Server - Tutorial SQL Server | ASPItalia.com | The ASP
Query XML con T-SQL e SQL Server 2000. a cura di Luca Milan - martedì 16 aprile 2002. Database mirroring con SQL Server 2005
dotNetHell.it - Tips - Come numerare le righe con SQL Server 2000
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Microsoft SQL server 2000 è oggi la soluzione di database più potente nel mondo. Base Sql Server 2000 100 Mb 95 Euro TTC al mese.
SysAdmin.it - Guide e Articoli: SQL Server 2000: Config. e Amm
SQL Server 2000 è il database server di Microsoft per la piattaforma Windows NT, SQL Server 2000 è un RDBMS che gestisce e memorizza i dati in tabelle
Manuali.net - Corso "SQL Server 2000"
Manuali.net - Corso Online: SQL Server 2000. Clicca per saperne Corso SQL Server 2000 - Formato Base (Dicembre) Realizza basi di dati professionali

dotNetHell.it - Tips - Come numerare le righe con SQL Server 2000
SQL2K SQL Server 2000 SQL2K5 SQL Server 2000 VB6 Visual Basic 6 VB2K5 Visual Basic 2005 VB2K5E Visual Basic 2005 Express (5 row(s) affected)
Prosygma Hosting asp, hoster ASP, dotnet, ACCESS
Microsoft SQL server 2000 è oggi la soluzione di database più potente nel mondo. Base Sql Server 2000 100 Mb 95 Euro TTC al mese.
SysAdmin.it - Guide e Articoli: SQL Server 2000: Config. e Amm
SQL Server 2000 è il database server di Microsoft per la piattaforma Windows NT, SQL Server 2000 è un RDBMS che gestisce e memorizza i dati in tabelle
Manuali.net - Corso "SQL Server 2000"
Manuali.net - Corso Online: SQL Server 2000. Clicca per saperne Corso SQL Server 2000 - Formato Base (Dicembre) Realizza basi di dati professionali
Cerca Manuali - SQL Server manuale , guida , tutorial , faq gratis
Copertina del manuale SQL Server segnalato n. 4 SQL Server 2000. Guida pratica 7 Programmare SQL server 2000 con Visual Basic .NET. Con CD-Rom
Query XML con T-SQL e SQL Server 2000 | Database | ASPItalia.com
Poter estrarre dati in formato XML da SQL Server 2000 significa acquisire tutti i vantaggi della cosidettalingua francadi Internet: facilitare lo scambio di
SQL Server 2000 Security Update for Service Pack 2
Microsoft distributes SQL Server 2000 security fixes as one downloadable file. Because the security fixes are cumulative, each new release contains all the
Libri SQL - manuale SQL, SQL Server 2000, guida completa, Corso
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation. Esame 70-229. Seconda edizione. Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Reporting services. Con CD-Rom

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