RE: php/mysql breaking a row in to multiple rows
$sql = "SELECT * FROM user"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO user_values (user_id, field_id, field_value) VALUES ('".$row['id']."', '1', '".
RE: Yeah, worked perfectly astralis
SQL = "INSERT INTO words ( articleID, word, points ) " _ & " VALUES(" & curarticle & ",'" & curword & "'," & points & ")" ' conn.Execute SQL Response.Write SQL & "<br/>" & vbNewLine points = 0 End If curword = word points = points + 1
wizardsteps-> sql insert -> grab id field
now i have lots of validated data and i'm ready to add a record to my sql anyway, i setup all of the necessary insertparameters etc and inside of a try/catch i perform the insert command and grab the number of rows affected with :
escape special characters in strings used in sql insert queries
can you suggest any other way to escape special characters in strings used in sql insert queries. i can use regular expression functions in the code to escape chars like changing ' to '' but that requires me to think of every possible
primary and unique keys
sql> insert into test1 select datacolumn from somedata;. insert into test1 select datacolumn from somedata. *. error at line 1:. ora-01400: cannot insert null into ("dbtesting"."test1"."datacolumn"). the above results were pretty much
php general :: weird problem with sql in php
i copied the first sql statement using insert tab in phpmyadmin and i am able to insert it fine even from my form with fixed $sql = 'insert into `customer2` (`custid`, `custlname`, `custfname`, `custadd1`, `custadd2`, `custcity`,
While loop?
"SB3_ScheduleChange" table. And if the query finds a difference in schedule to update or insert it into that employees default schedule until the change is over on a certain date. My problem is I am new to SQL and I dont know how
form data and sql insert
forum: asp development posted by: jessa111 post time: september 20th, 2006 at 3:23:47 pm
Dunno, but let's debug bill wilkinson
Replace the code : If word <> curword Then SQL = "INSERT INTO words ( articleID, word, points ) " _ & " VALUES(" & curarticle & ",'" & curword & "'," & points & ")" ' conn.Execute SQL Response.Write SQL & "<br/>" & vbNewLine points = 0
asp.net return identity after sql insert
i was able to get the identity field after an insert into a sql 2005 database by tagging 'select scope_identity()' after the insert statement. the total sql statement looks like 'insert into tablename(firstname,lastname) values('davidj'
Database - Guida a SQL - INSERT - Inserimento di dati in una
Mr.Webmaster - Database - Guida a SQL - INSERT - Inserimento di dati in una tabella.
Manuale SQL - Morpheusweb.it - Risorse per webmaster: sql for, sql
Inserire e Modificare i dati con SQL. Istruzione SQL INSERT INTOL'istruzione INSERT INTO è usata per inserire delle righe in una tabella.
This sql tutorial section introduces the keyword INSERT INTO. Insert into is used to put data into a table.
ArcadiA Club - ASP .Net | La query SQL INSERT per aggiungere righe
La query SQL INSERT per aggiungere righe ad una tabella di un database. INSERT Un semplice esempio per spiegare come inserire righe in una tabella di un
Faq400 SQL INSERT INTO da un altro file
Sto giocando con l'SQL e non mi riesce una banale operazione di INSERT INTO prendendo record da un altro file chi mi da la sintassi giusta ?
This sql tutorial section introduces the keyword INSERT INTO. Insert into is used to put data into a table.
ArcadiA Club - ASP .Net | La query SQL INSERT per aggiungere righe
La query SQL INSERT per aggiungere righe ad una tabella di un database. INSERT Un semplice esempio per spiegare come inserire righe in una tabella di un
Faq400 SQL INSERT INTO da un altro file
Sto giocando con l'SQL e non mi riesce una banale operazione di INSERT INTO prendendo record da un altro file chi mi da la sintassi giusta ?
MySQL AB :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 13.2.4 INSERT Syntax
If INSERT inserts a row into a table that has an AUTO_INCREMENT column, you can find the value used for that column by using the SQL LAST_INSERT_ID()
Insert (SQL) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Most systems do not allow SQL INSERT statements to return row data. Therefore, it becomes necessary to implement a workaround in such scenarios.
SQL: INSERT Statement
The INSERT statement allows you to insert a single record or multiple records into a table.
Insert con Boolean - Forum - ASPCode.it
chkBox=Request.Form("chkbox"); con le istruzioni: SQL="INSERT INTO Inserzioni(Box) VALUES (" & chkbox & ")" Conn.Execute(SQL) mi viene segnalata la mancanza
sql insert error www . Java . Italian . Portal . it
pregund%40hotmail.com, sql insert error Posted: mercoledì 25 settembre 2002 0.00, Reply L'istruzione di insert che mi da errore è la seguente: