reminder: beta newsgroup becomes read-only on october 1st
a reminder that the sql anywhere 10 beta newsgroup will become read-only on october 1, 2006. if you have any questions regarding sql anywhere 10, please feel free to post them to the public newsgroup
IBM DB2 Denial of Service Vulnerabilities Found
Secunia reports IBM DB2 version 8.x is vulnerable to two exploits that can be used to launch denial of service attacks. One threat is from unspecified errors during CONNECT/ATTACH processing. A second is related to an unspecified error
sybase sql anywhere joys
to connect to the f**king stupid sybase sql anywhere (vers 5.5 and down) from a java app on windows nt/xp, you'll need, aside from the stupid sql anywhere server, another stupid piece of garbage named open server gateway which enables
using data access pages to access data on a sql anywhere 10 database
if you re interested in setting up a front end for sql anywhere 1 in microsoft access you ve come to the right place. this article will show you how to import a table from sql anywhere 1 into microsoft access how to query the table and
swissql :: sybase sql anywhere 7.0x
i see that the swissql application is designed to work with sybase ase product line (amongst others) . unfortunately i am trying to come up with a way to migrate sybase sql anywhere 7.03 data into ms sql 2000 or sql 2005. has anyone
[SQL and Code Injection] Re: Select * From * Where * = *
he was right to be stubborn that's not SQL injection. he seems to use a test for just if the query parameter contains the substring 'tops' anywhere (case insensitive) So this works:
sybase ships new "sql anywhere" database
great news today sybase's subsidiary in waterloo, ontario, canada - ianywhere solutions has announced the release of the new sql anywhere database version 10 into production! sybase has decided to rename the asa (adaptive server
[SQL and Code Injection] Select * From * Where * = *
I've tried the obvious Select USER From * etc etc but not avail. Just wanted a few of you dudes to take a look and see if you get anywhere. I don't mind you reporting them etc Would appreciate if you reply here with your finds :
swissql :: re: sybase sql anywhere 7.0x
author: swissql-support posted: mon oct 30, 2006 7:39 am (gmt 0) topic replies: 1 hi, you are right, swissql supports the migration of sybase ase and not sybase asa. however you can proceed with the migration from
sql anywhere query?
how do you run cummulative totals??how do you run cummulative totals?

SQL Anywhere - Enterprise Data Management
SQL anywhere the best mobile database solution for enterprise data management.
iAnywhere Solutions - SQL Anywhere
Die umfassende Loesung fuer die Verwaltung und Synchronisation von Unternehmensdaten. Informationen aus Unternehmensanwendungen und -systemen werden
Sybase, Inc. - SQL Anywhere
SQL Anywhere is a comprehensive package that provides data management and enterprise SQL Anywhere extends the reach of corporate data, information and
AREAPRESS - Il Portale dell'Informazione
I tool di progettazione e gestione inclusi in SQL Anywhere consentono, infine, agli sviluppatori di implementare e rilasciare applicazioni frontline
iAnywhere Solutions SQL Anywhere Studio
SQL Anywhere Studio version 9 のAdaptive Server Anywhereは、Common Criteria SQL Anywhere Studioのテクノロジーは、その高い信頼性と10年以上にわたる優れた

AREAPRESS - Il Portale dell'Informazione
I tool di progettazione e gestione inclusi in SQL Anywhere consentono, infine, agli sviluppatori di implementare e rilasciare applicazioni frontline
iAnywhere Solutions - SQL Anywhere
Die umfassende Loesung fuer die Verwaltung und Synchronisation von Unternehmensdaten. Informationen aus Unternehmensanwendungen und -systemen werden
iAnywhere Solutions SQL Anywhere Studio
SQL Anywhere Studio version 9 のAdaptive Server Anywhereは、Common Criteria SQL Anywhere Studioのテクノロジーは、その高い信頼性と10年以上にわたる優れた
Soiel International
SQL Anywhere 10: gestire applicazioni con l'infrastruttura IT ridotta SQL Anywhere 10 consente alle applicazioni di funzionare ovunque
Oggi, grazie all’utilizzo di SQL Anywhere, è possibile disporre La flessibilità di SQL Anywhere consente, infatti, l’utilizzo di
SQL Anywhere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Discuss). SQL Anywhere Studio is a mobile database platform by iAnywhere Solutions Inc. (A subsidiary of Sybase Inc.)
Tip 77: SQL Anywhere Performance
Tip 77: Sybase SQL Anywhere Performance Tips & Techniques. Overview · Detail Introduction (Start here) · 1 - Can SQL Anywhere Handle Your Load?
Migrating from Oracle 10G XE to SQL Anywhere 10
Using the Migrate Database Wizard in SQL Anywhere 10 SQL Anywhere 10 is still in its beta and has more than 200 new features and enhancements.

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