Premessa: 1. programma di sviluppo Visual Studio 2005. 2. PLUGIN installato su VS 2005 è ANKHSVN. 3. la modalità di accesso al repository può avvenire per connessione diretta in modalità FILE
Braidi Lorenzo La sicurezza di Microsoft Visual Source Safe 6.0
Gli indirizzi registrati NON saranno ceduti a. terzi, nè utilizzati per scopi differenti da quelli indicati.
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distaccati da riattaccare, come anche per mantenere la definzione della base dati stessa sotto procedure di Source Code control con strumenti quali Microsoft Source Safe
09 Nov 06 21:35:00 UTC:::
safeservice | 4.29
anteriore | indice | prossim
safeservice | 6.29
anteriore | indice | prossim
Devious Bard Software - Native Source Safe Open Tool For JBuilder v2.0
An OpenTool for JBuilder 4, 5, or 6 that natively integrates Microsoft Visual Source Safe access into the development environment
KeePass - The Open-Source Password Safe
An open-source password safe. Passwords can be stored in highly-encrypted databases, that can be unlocked with one master key or key-disk. For 32-bit Windows. Links to a port for Linux and MacOS X
Light Source Design - Safe Dig Pack
Fireworks Splice HTM
22 Nov 06 16:26:00 UTC
Visual SourceSafe 2005
Visual Source Safe 2005 is an easy-to-use solution for developers who want a Visual SourceSafe 2005 can be purchased separately or as part of an MSDN
Coding Horror: Source Control: Anything But SourceSafe
Visual SourceSafe was most Microsoft developers' first introduction to any You may as well call this post "Visual Source Safe Considered Harmful" and
color chart, codes, hexadecimal rgb values
Offering a 216 web safe color chart including color codes for hexadecimal These 216 colors, known as web safe colors, are recognized by all web browsers
SourceSafe Team's WebLog
SourceSafe 2005 is part of the wave of Microsoft products being launched In case you missed the 1000 previous announcements: Visual SourceSafe 2005 Beta
Visual Sourcesafe
An introductory tutorial about visual sourcesafe. Visual SourceSafe (VSS) is a client/server application which acts as a storage system for files.
color chart, codes, hexadecimal rgb values
Offering a 216 web safe color chart including color codes for hexadecimal These 216 colors, known as web safe colors, are recognized by all web browsers
SourceSafe Team's WebLog
SourceSafe 2005 is part of the wave of Microsoft products being launched In case you missed the 1000 previous announcements: Visual SourceSafe 2005 Beta
Visual Sourcesafe
An introductory tutorial about visual sourcesafe. Visual SourceSafe (VSS) is a client/server application which acts as a storage system for files.
Perforce/Visual Sourcesafe Comparison
This note compares Perforce and Visual Sourcesafe, a source management system sold by Perforce is faster than Sourcesafe for nearly every operation.
Automated Source Safe Backups - The Code Project - Programming Tips
A scripted approach to automating Visual Source Safe backups.
Your #1 DV & 3D Animation Source - Safe Harbor 800-544-6599
Digital (desktop) video dealer, 3D animation, and multimedia sales, service, and support including Amiga, Macintosh, Windows, Truevision, NewTek Video
Visual Source Safe and SQL Server Integration
Integrate SQL Server natively with Visual Source Safe 6.0c and 6.0d for optimal source Add stored procedures, triggers, and views to Visual Source Safe
Component Workshop Ltd
SSWI is a web based addon to Visual Source Safe that allows you to use all of the common source safe features from your favourite web browser.