Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to Linux Today
"German software developer SoftMaker has released a free 30-day download of the beta GNU/Linux version of SoftMaker Office 2006, a proprietary office suite that retails for $70. The suite includes word processor TextMaker, spreadsheet PlanMaker, and subsystems for databases and drawings.
Handheld MP3 player to turn PCs into Linux boxes The Register
iPod-like gadget offers full open source software suite It's an MP3 player. It's an FM radio. It's video and photo display device. It's an e-book reader. It's a sound recorder. It's a Linux-based personal computer ready for web, email and office usage. Yes, it's Wizpy, the Swiss Army Knife of handheld gadgets announced by Japan's Turbolinux this week.…
Q&A: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer On Vista, Office, Exchange Product Blast ChannelWeb
Ballmer talks to InformationWeek about next week's major product launches, incentives to upgrade, Vista security, "software and service" vs. "software as a service," and competing with Apple, Linux, and purpose-built appliances.
Microsoft hopes latest software keeps lucrative business customers satisfied USA Today
Bill Hartnett got accustomed to the screaming. As Microsoft Corp.'s manager of software sales to financial services companies, Hartnett used to get pelted with complaints about the security and reliability of Microsoft's products.
Q&A: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer On The Imminent Vista, Office, Exchange Product Blast TechWeb via Yahoo! News
Ballmer talks about next week's major product launches, incentives to upgrade, Vista security, "software and service" vs. "software as a service," and competing with Apple, Linux, and purpose-built appliances.
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Nov. 07, 2006 — Novell today defended its patent agreement with Microsoft, asserting that it neither violates the GPL nor implies that Linux infringes on any of Microsoft's patents, according to an article published today by Linux-Watch . Additionally, Novell is suggesting that its agreements with Microsoft promote the adoption of Linux.
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Nov. 07, 2006 — The One Laptop Per Child project has decided to utilize a Linux 2.6.19 OLPC kernel with a Red Hat Fedora Core 6 "run-time environment" for the first build of its giveaway portable notebook computer, the Cambridge, Mass.-based project's president for software and content said Sunday.
Microsoft hopes its latest software keeps lucrative business customers satisfied Vista: San Diego Union-Tribune
Can robot be your friend? Associated Press "Albert Hubo," a robot topped with a head modeled after Albert Einstein, welcomes delegates to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Busan, South Korea, last year. Scientists are working on robots that will "understand people as people." Microsoft hopes its latest software keeps lucrative business customers satisfied
Interview: Steve Ballmer On Vista TechWeb
Microsoft's CEO talks about Vista security, "software and service" vs. "software as a service," and competing with Apple, Linux, and purpose-built appliances.
Microsoft hopes latest software keeps business customers happy KATU Portland
The company is about to release a new Windows operating system and Office suite, and the stakes are particularly high now. Savvy competitors are challenging Microsoft's status as computing's vital plumbing provider.
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Linux Software - Office Suites
A selection of Linux office suite software packages, including word processors, spreadsheets, text editors, drawing and image applications, many of which
PI: Quei Linux Angels ringiovaniscono PC obsoleti
È questo lo spirito con cui i Linux Angels danno vita all'Operazione Lilliput, pensata per ampliare la cultura del software libero e a dimostrare la sua
Forum - WinTricks - Discussioni su WinTricks
Suggerimento per le News Software. SirJack. 06-11-2006 16.40.12 Linux e altri Sistemi Operativi, Software applicativo, Office suite, Programmazione
PI: Quei Linux Angels ringiovaniscono PC obsoleti
È questo lo spirito con cui i Linux Angels danno vita all'Operazione Lilliput, pensata per ampliare la cultura del software libero e a dimostrare la sua
Forum - WinTricks - Discussioni su WinTricks
Suggerimento per le News Software. SirJack. 06-11-2006 16.40.12 Linux e altri Sistemi Operativi, Software applicativo, Office suite, Programmazione
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