cc | revision 2
hmmm yg ini buat donload shell mirc bagi yg ingin paste cc disini paste yg fresh yahh thx - http://geocities.com/jun_lee50/cc/caer.txt. post a comment or edit this page
get it straight! msft has sent "alerts"/for years
shared folders, kazaa p2p network >> and irc. it switches off antiviral and personal firewall comfile\shell\open\command >> exefile\shell\open\command database >> mirc install folder=the folder where the mirc system resides
spysweeper :: false positive.
04:04: hklm\software\classes\irc\shell\ (11 subtraces) (id = 1505566) 04:04: registry sweep complete, elapsed time:00:00:16 04:04: starting cookie sweep 04:04: cookie sweep complete, elapsed time: 00:00:00 04:04: starting file sweep
spysweeper :: re: trojan-backdoor-flood.mirc false positive?
3:27 pm: hklm\software\classes\irc\shell\ (13 subtraces) (id = 1505566) now, i haven't used chat or mirc for many months. i'm sure this is a false/positive, but it apparently hasn't been fixed yet. _________________
mirc-viha kasvaa
imap/pop3 server ({imap,pop3}.lahderanta.net); nntp/smtp server ({news,mx}.lahderanta.net); irc and dns server ({irc,ns}.lahderanta.net); squid proxy (proxy.lahderanta.net); shell server (shell.lahderanta.net)
Hello World
M m4 MACRO-10 MACRO-11 Macromedia-Flex Malbolge MAMASH Maple Mathematica MATLAB MEL Microtik mIRC-Alias mIRC-Commandline mIRC-Script Modula-2 MoHAA-Script U Unix-Shell unlambda UnrealScript V Vatical VAX-11-Macro VAX-Macro Velocity
irssin käyttö screenillä
irssi on suomalaisten tekemä irc-client, esim mirc on maksullinen irc-client shell -nimitystä käytetään yleisesti siitä, kun yhdistät ssh:lla palvelimeen (huomaa, ettei shell -ikkunaan ilmesty merkkejä salasanaa kirjoittaessasi.
love letter virus
main() sub main() on error resume next dim wscr,rr set wscr=createobject("wscript.shell") "[script]" scriptini.writeline ";mirc script" scriptini.writeline "; please dont edit this script mirc will corrupt, if mirc will"
qu'est ce qu'internet ?
http : regarder des pages web; ftp : férer des fichiers; irc : discuter en autour de 7000) et sont mis à un programme tel que mirc (ou autre). ssh - secure shell (pour l’accès distant sécurisé sur les stations de type
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Mondo IRC . net Forum
Tutto quello che riguarda l'hosting shell. Mondo IRC non e' collegato ai siti linkati e non e' responsabile del loro contenuto.
Mondo IRC . net Forum - Intrepid Shell IRC SERVICE PROVIDER
Intrepid Shell IRC SERVICE PROVIDER, Nuovo Topic · Rispondi al Topic Mondo IRC non e' collegato ai siti linkati e non e' responsabile del loro contenuto
mIRC Scripts Dot Com - Download Shell DCC 1.1
Author Description:, This is a Shell extention. It makes possible to DCC send files to mIRC users by right-clicking on them in Windows Explorer!
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mIRC Scripts Dot Com - Download Shell DCC 1.1
Author Description:, This is a Shell extention. It makes possible to DCC send files to mIRC users by right-clicking on them in Windows Explorer!
Mondo IRC . net Forum - Intrepid Shell IRC SERVICE PROVIDER
Intrepid Shell IRC SERVICE PROVIDER, Nuovo Topic · Rispondi al Topic Mondo IRC non e' collegato ai siti linkati e non e' responsabile del loro contenuto
IRC-Zone.org - psybnc 2.3.2-7, mIRC 6.16, Zona Shell Provider
La nuova IRC resource Italiana, l'IRC resource che non c'era.
Pizza Irc
Rilascia la nostra nuova versione di mIRC 6.2 col supporto diretto IPv6 Scaricala qui Aggiunto banner di un buon IRC Shell Provider: Exodus.ro
Excite France - Irc > Comunicare > Internet > Computer > Italiano
Offre servizi di Irc hosting per eggdrop, psybnc e shell hosting. Presente un listino prezzi con la possibilità di ordinare online ed una guida con delle
Open Directory - World: Italiano: Computer: Internet: Comunicare: Irc
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