


radius server bandwidth usage?
hi there i am using free radius hosting from and it seems to be working well! my only concern is how much of my precious cap would a radius server actually utilize? thanks
microsoft update for exchange server 2003 sp2 kb 924334
microsoft update for exchange server 2003 sp2 (kb 924334) overview this update resolves an issue where the outlook web access (owa) form would stop responding when you compose a message using the s/mime control on a client running
disconnections from server
i just started playing factions today and i must say it's really good (so far), the only thing is that i lost comms with server atleast twice in the first 2 hours of gameplay, is this normal, is anyone else experiencing this???
downloading past cap is news server, 10gb local only
i got the 10gb local only account from openweb and i've just gone over my 10gb cap for the month. however, i've just tried on a whim to connect to the is news server and i'm still able! is this a fluke? or do is continue to allow access
lets initiate the graw server!
maybe we won't like it, maybe it will be the first and the last time we play, or maybe its an awesome undiscovered game waiting to be played online. so on the 21st of october all log into the team death match server, and lets give it a go
how do i set up an ftp server?
i need to set one up on my home computer, but i can't get it to work. :confused: i need help :o
news server program
what is a good one
general computer problems :: re: adsl ping problem
245.96kb/s running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 1.85mb/s your pc is connected to a cable/dsl modem click start to re-test as you can see, things are lucking slightly better! 1.85 mb downspeed is about bang on cheers
general computer problems :: re: adsl ping problem
running 10s inbound test (server-to-client [s2c]) . . . . . . 201.54kb/s your pc is connected to a cable/dsl modem [s2c]: excessive packet queuing detected click start to re-test and form another us one (thomas jefferson)
guruliving: Which Adsl Modem Should I Buy? BSNL DataOne Broadband
The DNS server address provided by BSNL and is pre planned The Answer is I stopped using BSNL’s DNS Server and I am using public DNS server IP as So wisely change your DNS server and escape from BNSL Time Bomb

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Una possibile soluzione in economia è quella di utilizzare un singolo PC come server connesso tramite il modem ADSL ed installare tutti i servizi che si
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