Zauralneftegaz Releases 2D Seismic Results For The Privolny Block HydrocarbonOnline
Siberian Energy Group Inc., through OOO Zauralneftegaz (ZNG), the Company's 50/50 Joint Venture operated by Baltic Petroleum (E&P) Ltd., has released the results from the high definition 2D seismic analysis conducted on the northern section of its licensed Privolny block
Engineers demonstrate strength of new metal shear wall that could lower construction cost PhysOrg
Engineers pushed a newly designed, metal shear wall to its limits at a Nov. 20 seismic test at the University of California, Berkeley's Structural Engineering Research Lab. The panel proved strong enough for use in California and other earthquake-prone regions throughout the world, researchers said.
Drilling To Commence On Texola Energy's Chinchaga Prospect In Northern Alberta OilandGasOnline
Texola Energy Corp. recently announced that it has been advised by Tasman Exploration Ltd., the Operator on the Company's Chinchaga Suncor Gas Prospect, Alberta, Canada, that it has signed a drilling contract for the resumption of drilling on its first well location, and has also reserved the drilling rig for two additional wells
Permission to Stand Down Middle East Online
By mid-March, the Baker-Hamilton Commission (a k a the Iraq Study Group) will declare withdrawal from Iraq a respectable option. That will be a disaster for Republicans, and great news for Democrats eyeing the White House.
Seismolgists get handle on heat flow deep in Earth EurekAlert!
TEMPE, Ariz. – Earth's interior is not a benign world that only stores the geologic history of our planet. Geologists now see the normally assumed placid inner Earth as a dynamic environment filled with exotic materials and substances roiling under intense heat and pressures.
GX completes seismic surveys Petroleum News
Houston-based GX Technologies has announced the completion of its seismic data acquisition in the U.S. Chukchi Sea and the Canadian Beaufort Sea. The data acquisition involved very long offsets and a specially designed seismic source to illuminate geologic structures on a basin-wide scale. The Chukc
Seismolgists get handle on heat flow deep in Earth PhysOrg
Earth's interior is not a benign world that only stores the geologic history of our planet. Geologists now see the normally assumed placid inner Earth as a dynamic environment filled with exotic materials and substances roiling under intense heat and pressures. It is an environment that continues to evolve in interesting ways and one that has an impact on what happens at its surface.
Scientists lose instruments, gain first look at seafloor formation PhysOrg
Ordinarily, losing almost all of one's instruments would be considered a severe setback to any scientist. But when Maya Tolstoy, a marine geophysicist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, a member of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, recently learned that two-thirds of the seismometers she placed on the floor of the Pacific Ocean were trapped more than 8,000 feet (2500 meters)
DVD Investments Ltd.: proposed reverse take-over with Mooncor Energy Mineweb
By: This is a company press release.
Tsunami-Detecting Network in Development RedNova
PITTSBURGH -- Researchers are hoping to develop
A paraboloidal sparker seismic source
A paraboloidal sparker seismic source. M GASPERINI, P FERRETTI, M LIGI, P ZUCCHINI Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 35:139139, 327-337,
Gisco ESS200ATV Seismic Source
seismic source Model ESS200 ATV The ESS200ATV is self propelled and self contained with a radio trigger link to the seismograph.
Development of Methods to Estimate the Seismic Source Model for
particular evaluation of source process generating seismic waves in the frequency range higher than 1 Hz, which corresponds with the
ScienceDaily: Two New Seismic Source Technologies Developed For
Scientists and engineers at the US Department of Energy's Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory and the University of Arkansas have
Bore Hole Seismic Source
Borehole Seismic Source. Applicable On:Subsurface Karst/Sinkhole, Soil and Rock, Concrete and Embankment Dams, and Concrete Foundation/Rock Interace Studies
Development of Methods to Estimate the Seismic Source Model for
particular evaluation of source process generating seismic waves in the frequency range higher than 1 Hz, which corresponds with the
ScienceDaily: Two New Seismic Source Technologies Developed For
Scientists and engineers at the US Department of Energy's Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory and the University of Arkansas have
Bore Hole Seismic Source
Borehole Seismic Source. Applicable On:Subsurface Karst/Sinkhole, Soil and Rock, Concrete and Embankment Dams, and Concrete Foundation/Rock Interace Studies
Seismic source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A seismic source can be simple, such as dynamite, or it can be produced by more A seismic source provides a pulse or seismic wave of energy,
Idaho National Laboratory - Exploration & Production - Downhole
Downhole Seismic Source for Look-Ahead Pore Pressure Prediction while Drilling. photo of borehole test. INL researchers evaluate the two seismic
Seismic source
The higher energy output increases the likelihood of producing high-resolution data collection in thick unsaturated zones where the seismic source signal
Seismic source decomposition—[Geophysics 48, 1 (1983)]
We exploit the differences that exist between the radiation fields of a point source and an array to design a timeâ€separated marine seismic source array
Environmental Field Geophysics
magnetostrictive seismic source specifically for environmental monitoring and The magnetostrictive seismic source is a clamped, vertical-shear,