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I read the last post from Rick Strahl about IE 7 Script Errors. When you have Script Debugging enabled in your Internet Explorer settings you will get an alert when the script error Is there a common problem with Microsoft ASP.
Date display in Firefox
I use the following Javascript on some sites and it displays fine in IE but in Firefox the year displays as "106" instead of 2006. Is there another script that works well in both? <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><!-- var DayOfWeek = new.
&#39;Sys&#39; is undefined - ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
NET AJAX Enabled WebSites using the ASP.NET AJAX Beta 2, This error may come particularly if you are upgrading from Beta 1 to Beta 2. The error is primarily because a new script resource handler is added which requires an entry in the
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i work for a company called sunshinejoy distributing. and we recently started selling a line of custom tie dyes. the project we are working on now is to create a custom tie dye interactive interface using flash, asp scripts,
The Advantages og Microsoft AJAX
2. As Christophe mentioned, the Atlas tests Daniel ran were on the debug version of scripts. In CTP versions of Atlas, this was the default. In the ASP.NET AJAX Beta, scripts are release mode (smaller) and compressed by default.
ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1 Released
The ASP.NET AJAX “Core” download now includes two JavaScript libraries that are used to support all of its features:. a) The MicrosoftAjax.js.gz script file contains the core JavaScript type-system, component/control model,
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Date: November 21st, 2006 12:16 PM - gcnason - Untitled Post: [QUOTE=Shadow Wizard]you didn't answer my question. put aside the javascript. can you read the contents of the database with your ASP.NET code? or do you need help from the
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The sample control used for demonstration purposes is a simple ASP.NET composite control that performs math operations. Rather than posting back to the server to do the calculations, it includes a client script library that does the
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