PHP for the Enterprise
In a new post over his blog, Johan Louwers talks about PHP for the enterprise. According to independent research firm Netcraft, PHP is used by more than 40 percent of the Web applications
http://localhost in php script?
wordpress/wphpbb-login.php?action=logout&redirect_to=http://localhost'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&sid=' . $userdata['session_id'];//'login.'.$phpEx.' ?logout=true&sid=' . $userdata['session_id'] $l_login_logout = $lang['Logout'] .
Re: http://localhost in php script?
Post Reply? I should have stated I would need "dummied" down answers. :) The instructions for the plug in said to use the absolute path. You said I would need to replace "localhost" with the host for my database.
Re: http://localhost in php script?
$redirect_path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $redirect_url = 'http://' . $redirect_hostname . $redirect_path; $u_login_logout = ' /wordpress/wphpbb-login. php?action=logout&redirect_to=' . $redirect_url . '&sid=' . $userdata['session_id'];
Re: http://localhost in php script?
Post Reply? Good catch on my "bad" advice there I didn't look at the code closely enough, and have edited my post, *but* I believe in this instance if the OP chooses to define the path explicitly, he needs to use the path of his http
Re: http://localhost in php script?
Post Reply? How do you know it should be instead of Just wondering.
Re: http://localhost in php script?
Post Reply? Edited: Oops! I didn't look at the code closely enough, and gave you a "bum" answer - I'm sorry! No, it doesn't. In the case of defining your MySQL host, you need to replace "localhost" with the appropriate host for your
Statistic graphs with PHP and Flash
If you need to display really nice statistics to your users and are a friend of eye candy have a look at the PHP/SWF Charts module. Using this library it took me 1 hour to set up a graph like this:. SWF Stats
PHP 5.1.3 Released
The PHP development team is proud to announce the release of PHP 5.1.3. This release combines small number of feature enhancements with a significant amount of bug fixes and resolves a number of security issues.
Database-enabled Ajax with PHP
Over at WebReference is a new article by Kris Hadlock that shows you how to develop a simple database-enabled Ajax application in PHP. You'll learn how to create database-enabled Ajax

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PHP: Downloads
Regular source and binary snapshots are available from For downloadable PHP manual packages, go to the documentation download page.
PHP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In May 2000, PHP 4, powered by the Zend Engine 1.0, was released. PHP includes a large number of free and open source libraries with the core build.
Il Blog di Beppe Grillo
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Guida PHP : Sommario
Ecco la guida al linguaggio di programmazione PHP.
Guide PHP |
Elenco delle guide presenti nel canale PHP. Come installare su Windows un ambiente di sviluppo PHP, Apache e MySQL. Versioni di riferimento: Php 4.4.2 e

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