UK MPs Question Government Barriers to Open Source in Schools RedNova
UK government agency software purchasing policies are preventing the adoption of free and open source software in UK schools and universities, according to an early day motion signed by a number of UK Members of Parliament.
French National Assembly goes open source TechWorld
Liberté, egalité, Linux and Firefox. The French National Assembly will move to open source software, cutting IT costs in the process, after a study ordered by the president of the assembly found it could provide all the tasks need by the Assembly's deputies.
French National Assembly Embraces Open Source Slashdot
eldavojohn writes "The French National Assembly is in the news as they have recently switched to Linux, OpenOffice.org & open source software at the request of several deputy members. Bernard Carayon wrote it it into the proposal entitled 'On Equal Terms' [French PDF]. From the article, 'IT staff at the National Assembly have almost six months to prepare the switch to open source.' The same
French National Assembly will use open source desktops Linux World Australia
Deputies elected to the French National Assembly in the next legislative session will find open-source software on the desktop PCs provided for their use.
MySQL Turns to Open Source for BI CBR via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
It's always reassuring for customers to see their software vendors proverbially "drinking their own champagne". But it's even more so when open source software is involved.
MPs criticise government roadblocks to Open Source adoption in schools PublicTechnology.net
UK Members of Parliament have identified Department of Education and Skills (DfES) and Becta policies as favouring proprietary software vendors thereby blocking the adoption of Open Source software by schools and colleges.
Myths And Realities Of Open Source ChannelWeb
Continuing advancements in reliability and performance are elevating the role of open source in software development. But is open source ready for such a ition?
Open-source Java is opportunity for developers Macworld UK
Now that Java is going open source, what exactly does that mean? Developers and others worldwide say it opens up a world of possibilities. New opportunities are presented on Linux as well as in the desktop and mobile spaces.
Is Microsoft Violating Some Patents Covering Open Source? PC Magazine via Yahoo! News
While the software company is not admitting this, it's also not ruling out the possibility that Windows may have infringed on patents held by Novell and others in the open-source community.
Open source Java presents world of opportunities InfoWorld via Yahoo! News
Now that Java is going open source, what exactly does that mean? Developers and others worldwide say it opens up a world of possibilities.
Open Source gratis
SourceForge.net è il più grande sito al mondo dedicato agli sviluppatori di software Open Source. Fornisce servizi e risorse agli sviluppatori che
Open-source software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Several open-source software licenses have qualified within the boundary of the Open The definition of open source software was written to be almost
FSF - The Free Software Foundation
The organization that "started it all" in free or open source software.
Open source - Wikipedia
Secondo i suoi sostenitori, il software open source presenta numerosi vantaggi Secondo alcuni il software open source avrebbe delle limitazioni e degli
The GNU Operating system - the GNU project - Free Software
Home of the GNU operating system, the GNU General Public License, and the Free Software Foundation. The Open Source Movement branched off from the Free
FSF - The Free Software Foundation
The organization that "started it all" in free or open source software.
Open source - Wikipedia
Secondo i suoi sostenitori, il software open source presenta numerosi vantaggi Secondo alcuni il software open source avrebbe delle limitazioni e degli
The GNU Operating system - the GNU project - Free Software
Home of the GNU operating system, the GNU General Public License, and the Free Software Foundation. The Open Source Movement branched off from the Free
Open Source Initiative OSI - The Open Source Definition
Open source doesn't just mean access to the source code. The distribution terms of open-source software must comply with the following criteria:
freshmeat.net: Welcome to freshmeat.net
freshmeat maintains the Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform open source software. Thousands of applications are metiusly cataloged in the
Diritto, economia e software open source
Raccolta di materiale giuridico sul tema dell'Open source.
Open Source Initiative OSI - Welcome
Also, please send us URLs of articles and papers on commercial trials of the open source model, on open source software including such packages as Linux and
Open Source - Wikipedia
Mit der Vervielfältigung und der Verbreitung von Open-Source-Software sind So bietet sich Open-Source-Software zum Lernen, Mitmachen und Verbessern an.