MySQL Cookbook
The new edition covers MySQL 5.0 and its powerful new features, as well as the older but still widespread MySQL 4.1. One major emphasis of this book is how to use SQL to formulate queries for particular kinds of questions,
MySQL General: Problem with GROUP BY in RIGHT JOIN query
Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY images.property_id' at line 1 Can anyone help? This is driving me mad! I accept that my approach with these queries may be
sidetracked with mysql & sql server performance
what made mysql run so fast? was it the hardware? why couldn't sql server (2005 express on the dev given the same hardware, it would be nice to get sql server running in the 0.0x range like mysql. even if this was an accurate test
Rate my Pet??
and in some instanes leave comments etc on said "pets". I was wondering if Php / My sql would be the prefered route for acheiving this? And possibly an indication of how difficult it may be to acheive. All suggestions appreciated
WordPress MySQL SQL Query Error in WPDB Class
WordPress plug-ins users or external scripts developers may encounter problems on when trying to perform query or manipulation on MySQL database by using $wpdb class, a class of functions for all database manipulations based on the
my sql database normalization
in connecting a database to a web page. at the time a newcomer to the world of database administration, i happily began creating all kinds of databases to store my valuable information. however, several problems soon arose
Admin Privileges In SQL Server 2005 SP2 On Vista
I was unable to login into my SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition SP2 and I was unable to create any objects in my SQL Server 2005 Express Editions SP2. I assumed I would have adminstrator privileges in SQL Server 2005 since I was the
Trying Archive Storage Engine
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 9162 Nov 12 11:00 requests_061111.frm. Can't say I'm impressed we have only about 2 times compression rate for this table which is heavily redundant (urls, referers, user agents etc)
Problems with completing installation after a site move
I have just moved my site from Godaddy to Hostgator. On the old site I have had a vBulletin 3.6.2 with the latest patch applied and the vBPortal 3.6.1. Here is the situation: (1) On my old forum I have made backups of my Sql forum
my sql client error
i did a fresh install of 4.5.0b using the bitrock installer, restored up my old data and everyting was working fine. i rebooted my computer and then got the following error and cannot run the sugar application at all.
Guide PHP | Php.HTML.it
Come installare su Windows un ambiente di sviluppo PHP, Apache e MySQL. Guida all'installazione di Apache, MySQL e PHP su Linux attraverso strumenti a
MySQL AB :: Developer Zone
First they gave the world Amanda, and now they've given MySQL users a MySQL Replication scales very well when you have a high read/write (r/w) ratio.
MySQL AB :: MySQL Documentation
The MySQL Reference Manual covers most of the areas of MySQL use. To use: Download, then load into MySQL with this command: mysql mysql < file_name
MySQL AB :: La Base de Données Open Source la plus Populaire au Monde
Actualités, documentation et téléchargement de l'application.
MySQL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There will only be one MySQL server package, which includes a mysqld binary These values are treated according to the SQL standards in MySQL version 5
MySQL AB :: La Base de Données Open Source la plus Populaire au Monde
Actualités, documentation et téléchargement de l'application.
MySQL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There will only be one MySQL server package, which includes a mysqld binary These values are treated according to the SQL standards in MySQL version 5
MySQL - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
MySQL je podatkovni upravljalni sistem. Baza podatkov je strukturirana zbirka podatkov. SQL v MySQL stoji za zaÄetnice »Structured Query Language«.
FAQTs - Knowledge Base - faqts : Computers : Databases : MySQL
How do I converyt MS Access databases to work with mySQL Is there something to convert Oracle sql code to MySQL sql code? does connection.rollback work
[SPIP Forums] FORUMS - dati di accesso PHP - my SQL
I dati di accesso al "php" e all "my SQL, nella e mail automatica che si riceve dopo l’acquisto di questi due servizi aggiuntivi da me sottoscritti con
DSP: Datenbank, MySQL und PHP
Diese Anleitung, die sich gleichermaßen an Anfänger wie allgemein Interessierte in Sachen Datenbanken, SQL und PHP richtet, versucht schrittweise und
MySQL Database access problem in Ruby on Rails
Rails can’t query MySQL at all. Looking in the log(such as This error also occurs when using ‘standard’ Rails \MySQL driver with \MySQL 4.1x.
MySQL AB :: MySQL® Connector/J
A Type IV JDBC driver for MySQL (LGPL License; comes with source code).