E1705 modem not recognized in linux
Hello, has anyone tried installing the internal modem of E1705 under linux? It doesn't seem to be properly recognized neither in Ubuntu 6.06 nor in Suse 10.1. My search came empty Any suggestions are greatly appreciated
Best Data "Smart One" USB modem
Summary: I have a USB Best Data "Smart One" 56K external phone modem. The largest chip on the board says:
FC6: Modem not installed but shows up in Hardware
Summary: I am new to Linux and have a fresh install done of FC6. My modem a Intel 536EP is recognized as a PCI device it shows up in class: MODEM "Intel Corporation 536EP Data Fax Modem"
FC6: Modem not detected but shows up on PCI list
Summary: I did a fresh install on my FC4 system to FC6 and my modem is not detected. Nothing about the modem shows up in dmesg and the device does not show up 00:09.0 Communication controller: Agere Systems Venus Modem (V90, .
Modem is not working after suspend/resume
Summary: sl-modem-daemon from repositories, and it works fine. suspend I cannot use modem anymore,
Analog Modem Connections Analog Modem Connections Despite the
If you believe this problem affects you, you should consult the manufacturer of your modem to see if there is a Linux driver available. Technical Operation Before we deal with connection details, here’sa quick overview of what’s
An interesting event, a power hit!
So it was interesting to watch my cable modem lights as the power dipped and my computers stayed What I noticed was the online and link lights went out on my cable modem. The cable modem is on the UPS as well as the firewall/router.
ati sb400 modem driver for linux
forum: linux - hardware posted by: carlgulliver100 post time: 11-12-2006 at 07:39 pm
how to confiugre adsl modem of vsnl on linux
forum: linux - software posted by: linux-india post time: 11-01-2006 at 07:39 am
About Speedtouch 330
I've installed Suse Linux 10.1 on my computer. I always want to use linux but the modem problem always stops me. Anyway, I use SpeedTouch 330 USB modem, and I don't know what to do. I found some information about it but some commands
Linux Winmodem Support
The "official" winmodem in Linux site. Acts as a mother site of all linmodem projects.
ADSL con Linux | Approfondimenti tecnici | ADSL.HTML.it
Per chi si sta documentando sulla possibilità di collegare un PC con GNU/Linux ad ADSL e vuole avere informazioni su che tipo di modem ADSL acquistare
Raulken.it Forums-viewtopic-modem linux mi serve un programma strano
ho un problema sul portatile ho un (finto) modem ac97 che non riesco a far funzionare con linux l'unico driver che sono riuscito a localizzare era un
The Linux Modem-HOWTO: Modem per un PC con Linux
I modem interni presentano un particolare problema per Linux, ma funzioneranno bene come i modem PC-TEL introduceva un nuovo software modem per Linux.
Drivers Modem Linux
Full Version: Drivers Modem Linux · GovernmentSecurity.org > System Security > Linux & Unix Systems. ANTITRUST. Feb 10 2005, 09:02 PM. The Motorolla Modem
Raulken.it Forums-viewtopic-modem linux mi serve un programma strano
ho un problema sul portatile ho un (finto) modem ac97 che non riesco a far funzionare con linux l'unico driver che sono riuscito a localizzare era un
The Linux Modem-HOWTO: Modem per un PC con Linux
I modem interni presentano un particolare problema per Linux, ma funzioneranno bene come i modem PC-TEL introduceva un nuovo software modem per Linux.
Drivers Modem Linux
Full Version: Drivers Modem Linux · GovernmentSecurity.org > System Security > Linux & Unix Systems. ANTITRUST. Feb 10 2005, 09:02 PM. The Motorolla Modem
Lucent LT Winmodem - NT, ME, Win2000 & Linux Support
56k Modems: Lucent / Agere LT Win Modem. Winodws NT, 2000, XP, Me, and Linux support with LT Win Modem.
SourceForge.net: Conexant USB ADSL Modem in Linux
Linux driver and supporting utilities for USB ADSL modems based on Conexant AccessRunner chipset. Download Conexant USB ADSL Modem in Linux
SourceForge.net: Eci HiFocus ADSL Modem Linux Driver
Tasks Summary · Diver usermode · Donate Stats RSS. Linux driver for the ECI USB ADSL Modem and USB modems with Globespan chipset
Linux Modem-HOWTO
Dieses HOWTO bietet Hilfe bei Auswahl, Anschluss, Konfiguration von Modems, erläutert Grundlagen und gibt Tipps zur Fehlerbehebung.
Linux Modem-Howto
Help with selecting, connecting, configuring, trouble-shooting, and understanding modems for a PC.