mIRC 6.21 Released
A lot of changes have been made to the way mIRC names and stores logfiles. This is mainly done to prevent file corruption and loss of data when you open multiple server connections. mIRC tries to name and rename logfiles as smart as
MIRC v6.21 with KeyMaker
Appz group DVT released a new version of probably the most known IRC client mIRC. As always this new version of mIRC addresses many of the issues reported since feature has been improved to cope with multiple server connections.
new irc server!
you can always find info on how to join here. but i will post it here aswell. you will need mirc installed if you dont have it already. if you have it installed then click here to join, or you can enter the info yourself. it is:
setting up an irc server
anywho how do you set it up, well it all depends really, how stable is your internet? are you in a position to have your computer on all the time? if so i’m going to take you through the steps of setting up an irc server on your machine
Comment on How to get Ops and takeover a channel on IRC Hack
if it’s oldschool because this is the motto of Darknet “share your knowledgeâ€, anyway I added my comment because there is a easyer way to maintain 2 conncetions through mIRC, other than opening 2 clients /server -m irc.server.org
tip it own irc server !
we have great news for all our irc loving community members, after long work today we opened official tip.it irc server !!!! you can access this server using your standard irc clients ( google for mirc) and pointing it to irc.tip.it
Freedom: Server Administration
Since I wasn’t paying him, it made it hard for me to justify demanding him to fix my server ASAP. When Zeeshan wasn’t around, I’d resort to joining #apache or #linux channels on IRC desperately asking for help.
proxy/socks information :: how can socks used in mirc?!?
subject: how can socks used in mirc?!? posted: sat sep 30, 2006 9:14 pm (gmt 1.0) as we know the command " /server ..net:7000 " use to connect to irc server. how can i use this command to connect to irc server by using sock 4,5?
mirc problem: [ blocked by zone labs security ]
internet security suite. everything is working fine except my mirc (and instant relay chat program). when zone alert asked me if i wanted to allow access to mirc, i said, yes allow it. but when i try to conect to an irc server,
chat room
open the "mirc options" window. it probably opens automatically when you connect. * click on the flower/gear looking icon to the right of the connect to server button. * select the irc server entry you created previously in the irc
IRC - Il canale #Lucca
Per connettersi (dopo la configurazione spiegata sopra) si preme il bottone "Connect to IRC server" oppure il disegnino del fulmine giallo in alto a
mirc 6.2, download mirc script, CHAT GRATIS, sfondi destktop
Search: mIRC, sfondi desktop, CHAT gratis IRC, Server, mIRC Script, COMMUNITY giovani, anima gemella chat, puazzo script, ircd, bot, router, fastweb, shell,
L'installazione di mIRC in inglese
MIRC (si spera) ti ha connesso ad un server IRC. Questo server ti ha mandato alcuni messaggi riguardanti lo status del sistema nella finestra "Status".
Servers and IRC Networks you can use with mIRC
The network still is a Showcase for the Conferenceroom server software. More Networks. The list above is far from complete. There are lots and lots of IRC
TuttoIRC.it - mIRC Guida 6.2
Quindi selezionando la voce Servers Cerchiamo il server Azzurra Random Server dalla lista IRC Server. Non fate caso se nell'immagine qui a fianco,
IRC Server List
This is an IRC Server List compiled by jayr@astraweb.com. These links bring you to the server list of that IRC Network. I will try to update them as often
| Chatt in php che si collega ad i server irc
Salve a tutti ragazzi, come da titolo avrei bisogno di una chatt in php che si colleghi ad un irc server. ---------------------------------------------
Web Works - InternetWare Help on-line
Scegliere uno pseudonimo, selezionare un IRC server ed inviare ad esso dei messagi Per utilizzare IRC abbiamo bisogno di indirizzi di server IRC e di un