#motogp irc dalnet [official #motogp blog site]
please join irc [mirc, x-chat, or others] with dalnet server and channel #motogp 1 v. rossi yamaha ita 42' 39.610 2 l. capirossi ducati ita +0.575 6 m. melandri honda ita +11.793 7 t. elias honda esp +18.999
#motogp chat irc dalnet server
please join irc [mirc, x-chat, or others] with dalnet server and channel #motogp 1 m. melandri honda ita 44' 57.369 2 l. capirossi ducati ita +1.929 1 v. rossi yamaha ita 1' 35.087 championship standings motogp
#motogp irc channel dalnet server
please join irc [mirc, x-chat, or others] with dalnet server and channel #motogp 7 m. melandri honda ita +24.101 8 l. capirossi ducati ita +24.467 2 loris capirossi ducati ita 59 3 daniel pedrosa honda esp 57
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quote n° 3678
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novo vÃcio! /o/
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.::#GameProg-Ita::. - The Game Programming Research Facility
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