Tactical IRC
mIRC is probably the most widely used irc client. It highly configurable, and has many features to make your irc experience a success. mIRC Homepage mIRC Download page mIRC FAQ GameSurge (the network which hosts our IRC channel) offers
bob has an IRC relapse and nominates 2 guys for Nobel Peace Prize
I think there's a FAQ page on the website of the Nobel Prizes, and it probably God only knows who used IRC before 1995 (I first used an IRC client on It's shareware, and Honest Decent Human Beings who download and use mIRC are
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mirc faq.hlp 251 kib irc intro.hlp 68 kib mirc help.hlp 234 kib versions updates.txt 29 kib welcome to mirc.txt 2 kib -- what is mirc?: -- mirc is an internet relay chat client for wind0ws, created in 1995 and developed by
HowTo's & Tutorials
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Invisible IRC Project (Esconde tu IP en el IRC). 0,7 MB. mIRC. Versión 6.17 en Inglés. 1,2 MB. mIRCFAQ. mIRC FAQ 59! 0,1 MB. mIRC. Versión 6.17 en Español. 1,7 MB. mIRCFAQ. mIRCFAQ - 6.16 Esp. 0,1 MB. mIRC
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Guida al mIRC Scripting. Lista di tutti i comandi principali usabili con il mIRC. MondoScript, 5211 mIRC News · mIRC FAQ. IRC
Frequently Asked Questions about mIRC - Section 1-5
Thanks to Junyor for his contributions from the alt.irc.mirc FAQ. The latest info on mIRC will always be found on the mIRC Home and FAQ www pages or one
IRC Frequently Asked Questions
Some IRC clients, like mIRC, have their own FAQ that provides detailed help. (48) In other IRC FAQ's and help files I see more and sometimes totally
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Motore di ricerca manuali guide tutorial faq sull'informatica sul computer su internet in lingua italiana.
Manuali.it - Manuali - The Mirc FAQ
Questo documento raccoglie una serie di risposte, alla domande più frequenti degli utenti, riguardo l'agomento Mirc: il client irc più utilizzato sotto
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Motore di ricerca manuali guide tutorial faq sull'informatica sul computer su internet in lingua italiana.
Manuali.it - Manuali - The Mirc FAQ
Questo documento raccoglie una serie di risposte, alla domande più frequenti degli utenti, riguardo l'agomento Mirc: il client irc più utilizzato sotto
IRC Frequently Asked Questions
Some IRC clients, like mIRC, have their own FAQ that provides detailed help. (48) In other IRC FAQ's and help files I see more and sometimes totally
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07/07/2004, mIRC FAQ - Versione 58.0, Tjerk Vonck. 16/08/2002, mIRC FAQ - Versione 52.0, Tjerk Vonck. 06/06/2004, mIRC FAQ - Versione 51.0, Tjerk Vonck
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Frequently Asked Questions
Nowhere in this FAQ does it say you should use telnet to connect to an IRC server. You *must* use a client. Read (4) to find out where to get a client,
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Help
The most complete Internet Relay Chat (IRC) help site, with nearly 800 helpful files IRC FAQ frequently asked questions. IRC Primer detailed user manual
Download mIRC and the mIRC FAQ - Hawkee.com
With it's own scripting/programming language, mIRC has an unlimited number of features. After downloading the client, please feel free to read the FAQ to