Paperback Row New York Times
Paperback books of particular interest.
Take a leaf out of their books Guardian Unlimited
Monica Ali I've spent far too much time this year reading kitchen books. One that I particularly enjoyed was Anthony Bourdain's collection, The Nasty Bits (Bloomsbury), especially his commentaries on his own essays in which he tends to say: "I think I had my head up my ass when I wrote this thing."
Writers and critics make their picks of 2006: part one Guardian Unlimited
It has been a good year for polemics on the war in Iraq, poetry, graphic novels and a late 18th-century wood engraver. Writers and critics make their picks of 2006.
 Cockle picker Crimefighters scoop Top Justice Award Government News Network
The crimefighters who secured justice for the victims of the Morecambe Bay cockle pickers tragedy have scooped the Justice Shield, the top award in the 2006 Justice Awards, for the most exceptional justice performance of the year.
BABEL San Jose Mercury News
This ambitious film from director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu and screenwriter Guillermo Arriaga (``Amores Perros,'' ``21 Grams'') tells four stories set in different regions of the world, disclosing bit by bit the links between them and making much of the linguistic, cultural and geographical differences among the characters. Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett play an American couple vacationing in
main Kavkaz Center
The Mujahideen claimed that large numbers of Russian troops had surrounded Dokku Umarov and his forces in a forest near the village of Yandi-Katar on the border between Ingushetia and Chechnya.
Iran: Man Hanged for 'Sodomy' Gay City News
The official Iranian news agency IRNA has reported that a man has been hanged in public in the city of Kermanshah on multiple criminal charges, including 'sodomy' ('lavat' in Persian).
APARTMENT FOR PEGGY 1948 San Jose Mercury News
Not reviewed. Palo Alto Stanford THU: 7:30 APNA SAPNA MONEY MONEY A policeman (Suniel Shetty), along with a horde of other people, is on the trail of some missing diamonds. The story is trite, the treatment amateurish and the humor childish. Not even the antics of Ritesh Deshmukh, who looks very fetching as a woman, can salvage this lame comedy. The cast also features Anupam Kher, Celina Jaitley,
Iraqi WMD documents threaten America Strategy Page
November 3, 2006 U.S. Web Archive Is Said to Reveal a Nuclear Guide By WILLIAM J. BROAD Last March, the federal government set up a Web site to make public a vast archive of Iraqi documents captured during the war.
Ramzy Baroud: Killing Hope in Beit Hanoun Scoop.co.nz
“God is greater than Israel and America,†was the echoing cry of tens of thousands of Palestinians, who descended into the graveyard in grief stricken Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip.
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