The Linux MP3 HOWTO
The Linux MP3 HOWTO Di Philip Kerr, phil@websentric.com v1.10, 10 settembre 1999
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Mp3 Linux. Mp3 Linux The Linux MP3 HOWTO. Questo documento descrive l'hardware, il software, e le procedure richieste per Mp3 Linux. Mp3 Linux The Linux MP3 HOWTO
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Ormai non fa più notizia il fatto che Gnu/Linux possa essere installato su qualsiasi dispositivo in circolazione, player MP3 compresi. Tuttavia non era mai successo che una società decidesse di
Linux MP3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO
Linux MP3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO. Greg Wierzchowski. greg@draxen.org. 2001-05-29 Una ricetta completa per la creazione di CD audio e dati da file MP3.
The Linux MP3 HOWTO
The Linux MP3 HOWTO. Di Philip Kerr,. phil@websentric.com I due player MP3 piø famosi per Linux sono Xaudio e Xmms (conosciuto come X11Amp).
Linux MP3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO
Chie Nakatani Ha tradotto questo doento in giapponese, l'URL è http://www.linux.or.jp/JF/JFdocs/MP3-CD-Burning/index.html.
Linux MP3 Players Project Page
Linux MP3 Players Project Page MP3.com's list of players Commercial and Non Commercial. Commercial MP3 Players. Lp3 Parallel port mp3 player
Linux MP3 Players
X Multimedia System: A very ular Linux MP3 player that is very similar to WinAmp. It also suppor similar hotkey keyboard functions to those supported
Linux MP3 Players Project Page
Linux MP3 Players Project Page MP3.com's list of players Commercial and Non Commercial. Commercial MP3 Players. Lp3 Parallel port mp3 player
Linux MP3 CD Burning mini-HOWTO
Chie Nakatani Ha tradotto questo doento in giapponese, l'URL è http://www.linux.or.jp/JF/JFdocs/MP3-CD-Burning/index.html.
Linux MP3 Players
X Multimedia System: A very ular Linux MP3 player that is very similar to WinAmp. It also suppor similar hotkey keyboard functions to those supported
The Linux MP3 & Ogg Vorbis HOWTO Recently the creators of the MP3 format have been charging royalties for the Creating Audio CD's from Ogg and MP3's
Linux MP3
Creating MP3 audio files for Audio Streaming and MP3 players. Linux Information Portal includes informative tutorials and links to many Linux sites.
Linux-Magazin MP3
Was mit Linux und MP3 alles angestellt werden kann, soll in diesem Artikel Daraus folgt leider für Linux, daß wer einen MP3-Encoder frei zur Verfügung
The Linux MP3-HOWTO
The Linux MP3-HOWTO. By Phil Kerr, phil@plus24.com. v1.61, 2001-12-16 First Linux- and only GPL player that does this!! MP3's and CD's do varispeed :)
The Linux MP3-HOWTO
The Linux MP3-HOWTO. By Phil Kerr, phil@plus24.com. v1.40, April 2000 本文書 㯠MP3 音声ファイルを Linux ã§ã‚¨ãƒ³ã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã€ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã€ãƒŸã‚シングãã—ã¦