


Kernel Comparison: Linux 2.6.18 vs. Windows 2003 R2 OS News
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Microsoft to Face Challenge over Linux Licenses Baseline
BRUSSELS (Reuters)—Supporters of PC operating system Linux are preparing to counter a recent deal penned by Microsoft Corp which establishes for the first time the principle of paying the software giant for the operating system, whose license requires it to be free.
Microsoft to Face Challenge over Linux Licenses eWeek
Supporters of Linux are preparing to counter Microsoft's deal with Novell that establishes for the first time the principle of paying the software giant for the operating system, whose license requires it to be free.
mEDUXa 1.0 Ready to Take Over the Canary Islands KDE News
Posted by Agustín Benito Bethencourt (toscalix) on Thursday 23/Nov/2006, @14:19 from the tweet-tweet dept. The Education, Culture and Sports Department of the Spanish Canary Island's regional goverment have released mEDUXa 1.0 . mEDUXa is a Free Software GNU/Linux distribution developed for educational purposes based on Kubuntu . It will be deployed on 35,000 computers in 1100 schools, which
Xandros To Debut New Business Desktop on Friday OS News
On the day after Thanksgiving, Xandros will be giving business Linux users an early holiday present: Xandros Desktop Professional version 4.0 . This new version of this well-regarded Debian-based desktop is designed to work in both Linux- and Windows-based office networks.
AMICAS Announces Availability of New Radiology Software Designed to Revolutionize Service for Referring Physicians SYS-CON Media
AMICAS, Inc. , a leader in radiology and medical image and information management solutions, has begun selling Vision Reach(SM), a one of a kind product designed specifically to help grow imaging businesses. Vision Reach will be on display at the 2006 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) annual meeting from November 26th through December 1st, 2006, in Chicago, Illinois. Vision Reach has
AMICAS Announces Availability of New Radiology Software Designed to Revolutionize Service for Referring Physicians FinanzNachrichten
BOSTON, Nov. 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- AMICAS, ( Nachrichten ) Inc. , a leader in radiology and medical image and information management solutions, has begun selling Vision Reach(SM), a one of a kind product designed specifically to help grow imaging businesses.
Review: Slackware 11.0 OS News
Open Addict reviews Slackware Linux 11.0 , and concludes: "The latest Slackware release is more of the same pure Slackware goodness from Patrick and Company. It doesn't drastically diverge from 10.2 but adds some new software packages and includes some newer kernel support.
AMICAS Announces Availability of New Radiology Software Designed to Revolutionize Service for Referring Physicians PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
AMICAS, Inc. , a leader in radiology and medical image and information management solutions, has begun selling Vision Reach, a one of a kind product designed specifically to help grow imaging businesses.
Windows Vista FAQ PC World via Yahoo! News
Our ultimate guide to all of your Vista questions and answers.

Linux Online - Linux Logos and Mascots
Combinations of Larry Ewing's penguin and Alan Petlock's Linux logo. Linux Logos Entries from the now-completed Linux logo competition.
Linux Logo Competition
Here are a bunch of Linux Logo's most of which came about from the linux logo competition. I am accepting new Logos and will post them relativly quickly
Debian GNU/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system. It is maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer their
Andreas' Linux Logo page
The logo isn't based on the logo for another product. Why should we be reminded of another product (especially one we don't like) each time we use Linux?
The Linux Kernel Archives
This is the primary site for the Linux kernel source.

Debian GNU/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system. It is maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer their
Andreas' Linux Logo page
The logo isn't based on the logo for another product. Why should we be reminded of another product (especially one we don't like) each time we use Linux?
The Linux Kernel Archives
This is the primary site for the Linux kernel source.
Linux Logo 50% — Lugroma
Linux Logo 50%. Ultima modifica 20/11/2004 15:25 Vuoi collaborare? Scopri come! Linux Logo 50% Clicca per vedere l'immagine alle dimensioni originali
::: Index
Alan Cox's, UK oriented, Linux news and information site. Includes a gnuwhoo-like index of commercial Linux software. Updates weekly, event-driven.
Gentoo Linux -- Gentoo Linux News
Gentoo logo We produce Gentoo Linux, a special flavor of Linux that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need.
The Linux Logo
The Linux Logo. Linus Torvalds defined the Penguin as the Linux Logo:. Now, when you think about penguins, first take a deep calming breath, and then think
Here it is, my small linux claim to fame. A few years back I saw the need for a text-based logo and sysstem information program for Linux.

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