


Live CD Linux distro borrows Ubuntu, Knoppix bits Desktop Linux
X-Evian, a Linux distribution in English and Spanish that draws from Ubuntu and Knoppix code, last month released a live CD -- version 0.7 -- that features a 2.6.17 kernel and the XFce desktop environment.
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Nov. 07, 2006 — Novell today defended its patent agreement with Microsoft, asserting that it neither violates the GPL nor implies that Linux infringes on any of Microsoft's patents, according to an article published today by Linux-Watch . Additionally, Novell is suggesting that its agreements with Microsoft promote the adoption of Linux.
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Nov. 07, 2006 — The One Laptop Per Child project has decided to utilize a Linux 2.6.19 OLPC kernel with a Red Hat Fedora Core 6 "run-time environment" for the first build of its giveaway portable notebook computer, the Cambridge, Mass.-based project's president for software and content said Sunday.
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Nov. 06, 2006 — What should the Linux desktop of 2007 and beyond be like? That's what the OSDL wants to know in its latest Linux Client Survey, which runs from now until Dec. 1. The results will help the OSDL's Desktop Working Group work on the areas of development that are critical to
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Nov. 06, 2006 — Opinion -- Someone just asked me whether, now that Novell's become buddies with Microsoft , I'll be turning away from Novell/SUSE as one of my favorite Linux distributions. My answer is no. I'm sticking with SUSE Linux on both my desktops and servers. Here's why.
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Nov. 03, 2006 — Panda Software this week released a new beta version of its commercial antivirus and firewall software for Linux.
Review: Mandriva 2007 Free Linux Personal Computer World
Pros: Easy to install with excellent disk partitioning tool, wide range of software installed Cons: Some drivers missing, update tool not working yet on this version Overall: An excellent distribution but worth paying for the full version.
The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Nov. 02, 2006 — Microsoft and Novell have announced a set of broad business, legal, and technical collaboration agreements to build, market, and support a series of new solutions that will make Novell's Linux and Microsoft's Windows products work better together.
Coding GUIs in Linux CIOL
GUI programming for Linux has traditionally been a difficult task. Trolltech has changed all that by introducing Qt, a platform-independent Object-oriented library, that allows programmers to create GUIs easily.
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KNOPPIX - Live Linux Filesystem On CD
The official site - with information, links to download sites and CD vendors.
Knoppix Linux
Knoppix is a Live Linux CD based on Debian GNU/Linux. This website is about Knoppix, a Free and Open Source Live Linux CD. Knoppix is a GNU/Linux
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ZioBudda Italian Linux Portal - Consulenza - Documentazione
WiiLi, Live Linux CD for the Nintendo Wii. Le console sono sempre di piu' dei piccoli supercompter. Dopo il supporto ufficiale di Sony a Linux sulla PS3,
Se si desidera installare Red Hat Linux da un CD-ROM e la relativa unità è collegata al Copiare la directory isolinux/ dal primo Red Hat Linux CD-ROM,
Welcome to Linux - Best prices for your favorite distro!
The best price all around the world for linux distributions
ZioBudda Italian Linux Portal - Consulenza - Documentazione
WiiLi, Live Linux CD for the Nintendo Wii. Le console sono sempre di piu' dei piccoli supercompter. Dopo il supporto ufficiale di Sony a Linux sulla PS3,
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Argentina Linux® CD-roms $5,00 serigrafiados de alta calidad, DVD-roms $10,00, envios a toda la Argentina .
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KNOPPIX - Live Linux Filesystem On CD
Überblick über die komplette von CD lauffähige, Debian-basierte Distribution einschließlich Netzwerktools, KDE-Oberfläche, GIMP und
The Linux CD-ROM HOWTO. Jeff Tranter, v1.14, 24 marzo 1999 6.15 Il mio CD-ROM ha smesso di funzionare dopo che Linux è stato

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