how to confiugre adsl modem of vsnl on linux
forum: linux - software posted by: linux-india post time: 11-01-2006 at 07:39 am
DSL Modem Trouble - Any Clues?
For the last couple of days I've been having a problem with my ADSL modem. Upon turning on the modem the ADSL light blinks slowly, then quickly and then I'm running Linux they'll tell me they don't support it and won't help me out
half duplex adsl modem
and even worse, when i was doing a huge test download, the adsl connection dropped after 10 seconds i had a link, so i had to shut the interface on my linux box or my adsl modem just to have 10 seconds of slow internet connection. try
configuring adsl modem in linux [for suse and fc5]
kppp is to be used if a dial up service is to set up using the adsl modem. here i have detailed the process of kinternet. if this can not be used successfully then kppp can be used following the almost same process only in that case
Fedora 4 with USB ADSL modem
Forum: Linux - Hardware Posted By: jraclarke Post Time: 11-14-2006 at 08:11 PM
using a d-link adsl modem ubuntu can't find it
forum: linux - newbie posted by: silver66 post time: 11-12-2006 at 01:02 am
linux usb modem users??
hi all, has anyone got this modem to work under linux? it's early telkom-issue (marconi usb modem). what drivers/files/etc will i need
libervisco Your quote
despite, GNU /FSF/Linux/GNOME/KDE all benifiting greatly form it. Are you running a Free BIOS? I am willing to wage money on that you're not. How about that firmware in your ADSL modem or switch or satalite modem?
Shopping for more gadgets
An ADSL modem for when I get that much-needed upgrade next year. The ADSL modem has been ordered, and I'm just waiting for it to arrive - it should come but I don't generally download very large files (unless I need a Linux
Linux at homes?
So I decided to move to Ubuntu, only problem was the Dhiraagu ADSL usb modem was giving problems. I'd dump the USB ADSL modem and go for a wifi router. Linux version 2.4.17_mvl21-malta-mips_fp_le (lily@products.adsl) (gcc

Modem - Installare e Configurare Modem Adsl Usb su Linux - P2P
Installare e Configurare Modem Adsl Usb su Linux GNU/Linux: a spasso col Pinguino.
adsl linux - Kelkoo - prezzi, offerte, occasioni e sconti
Hamlet modem adsl usb 1.1. compatibile protocollo pppoa. mac & linux comp. Se cerchi "adsl linux" prova una ricerca anche per : Modem adsl linux , Modem
Configurare l'ADSL con Linux ::
Posso collegarmi ad internet con Linux attraverso Adsl? Io rispondo SI ed e' anche molto semplice :D In questo articolo spieghero' come configurare un modem
Questo HOWTO è stato scritto per aiutare quelli che desiderano collegare con l'ADSL di Aruba (PPPoA) usando Linux. Dovete avere un PC con Linux, un modem
You must have a PC running Linux, an Alcatel-1000 ADSL modem provided by FT (the SpeedTouch Home seems to work fine also), and a subscription with Netissimo

Questo HOWTO è stato scritto per aiutare quelli che desiderano col con l'ADSL di Aruba (PPPoA) usando Linux. Dovete avere un PC con Linux, un modem
You must have a PC running Linux, an Alcatel-1000 ADSL modem provided by FT (the SpeedTouch Home seems to work fine also), and a subscription with Netissimo
Zane & Friends Site
Installare il modem ADSL in Linux Livello di Difficoltà:Media di: Topov. Guida alla configurazione del modem ADSL in Linux con i drivers ECI Adsl.
::: Installare il modem ADSL in Linux
Guida alla configurazione del modem ADSL in Linux con i drivers ECI Adsl.
FlashTux :: EciAdsl
How can I do if my modem is not in the list? Linux drivers for USB ADSL modems with other chipse. Conexant chipset:
ADSL modem
I’I-Storm USB ADSL modem risponde. alle specifiche USB e pertanto può essere collegato/scollegato Dispone drivers per ambiente Linux e Mac OS 9/X.
adsl TWT Trans World Telecommunications
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ADSL USB-Modem su Linux P2P Forum Italia
ADSL USB-Modem su Linux GNU/Linux: a spo col Pinguino.

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