Top 10 Best Internet Acquisitions of All Time
Let me say clearly: MySpace’s acquisition of News Corp. is the best Internet acquisition ever because thanks to it, Google paid News Corp. $900M in a search deal. Sure, that money also includes other Fox Interactive Media assets such as
How little YouTube pays for Internet connectivity
This is not the first time I've seen assumptions that YouTube must pay a lot for their Internet connectivity. Last June (when YouTube was using 20 Gbps to support a mere 50 million videos per day, Keith McMahon suggested their ISP
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Internet Marketing Strategy Planning - The Eight Steps Formula
You have to develop an Internet Marketing Strategy that is the essential part of your online success on the Internet. Find a large and easy to reach niche market Your first step in your Internet Marketing Strategy planning requires
Video Hacking Internet Cameras
FOX News recently aired a segment on “hacking internet cameras” and why users should always password protect their control interface. What are your thoughts? Video after the jump.
Defamatory Internet Speech: A Defense of the Status Quo
Alternate title: why Glenn Reynolds is wrong about internet defamation law. My (short) piece is available here. Professor Reynolds's (equally short) piece is available here. It's still in the draft stage, so comments welcome
Top Ten “BEST” Internet Acquisitions Ever…hmmm - “The WORST” list
By the time AOL bought the company, Netscape had been humbled by Microsoft’s free Internet Explorer browser. AOL clearly had no plans for Netscape and as a result the once pioneering company is now an afterthought.
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Internet Applications Internet Applications The existence of the Internet is at the heart of many of Linux’s most exciting applications. Therefore, as promised, in this section we’ll take a look at Linux’s Internet-related applications.
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