Airing Dirty Laundry: email with a fellow IDer
My correspondent then started our email exchange with a response to this final Here is the first email from my colleague. By the way, I will not mention how There is incredible fear out there, which is justified, because people
Incredible pictures from National Geographic documentary
examples of the shots they got with an elephant, dolphin, and dog. The special is scheduled to air Dec. 10. on National Geographic, and sometime in 2007 on Channel 4 in the UK. [ via boingboing ]. Permalink | Email this | Comments
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Include your book in an email campaign to 500000 book club members. Let's analyze their "incredible" offer, shall we? Spam email from a self-publisher. Backed with the same stunning promotional prose we've come to expect from
Bathroom Surprise and my Daily Life. I was
After sitting meditation I usually check the news and my email, drink my favorite kind At 4 I go home, relax, read, paint, email, write. It’s incredible. I woke up early Friday morning to meet my American family with the I-cam
So what happened ? I still have enough arrogance to think that
Then came that incredible email from darling Dhafer who basically said ‘ in whatever state you look like you are and will remain my Highlander…’ the rest is for my eyes only – but hey it managed to wake me up especially when he phoned
incredible republican email-snarkville
filed under: senate, republicans, money trail. aol elections blog: once again i've received many emails from key republican leaders in an effort to get me to to do one thing send them money. how are they doing it? by relying on the
West Africa Ghana Mission Update With Email And Incredible Photos
Below I have reprinted their email and photos, full of exciting experiences in the mission field. Each month seems to be a new adventure, with tales of vigilante justice, and of course the unusual traffic and driving conditions that
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i'm not. you emailed me, remember? are you sure you've got the hang of this email thing? 5/ have you ever been to russia? no. have you ever been to england? on reflection, don't answer that - i don't want to give you any illusion that
Tell it to Congress: Hollywood Storms the Hill
need to understand more clearly the economic power of the movies, the incredible risk and investment involved in making a movie and challenges we face as an industry. [Via The Hollywood Reporter]. Permalink | Email this | Comments
Outlaw Surfer
Anyway, they’re incredible stories that would be completely beyond belief if Weisbecker didn’t do such a good job convincing you of his integrity—which is especially insane considering Weisbecker also writes a killer email newsletter

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