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3-6pm >hosted by positive action in housing, venue to be confirmed see italia: domingo 8 de octubre, 14.00h en la ta feria del libro >por la paz escocia: sabado 14 octubre, 3.00-6.00h >con positive action in housing,
here is a perfect example of how the left deals with atrocities…it
in italian terms, the violence is an iconic reminder of ills that haunt the flamboyant wealth of la nuova italia - badge of pride for the right-wing, of a building on lake garda capable of housing some 40 enslaved prostitutes.
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hudson reporter, nj - 14 hours agotempers flared at a hoboken housing authority meeting oct. divincent is demanding the rent be paid up front before a meeting can be scheduled. source: www.hudsonreporter.comsomerset: aes
re: a move to italia
i'm in the process of moving to a small village outside of florence that is, at least spending as much time at my apt there as i can. housing costs are than paris anyway. how good is your italian? i might have something for you.
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48,58 milioni da detrarre, per la prima tranche della nuova “housing area” era riferita ai 16.000 militari americani e relativi famigliari in italia, può più disporre. la superficie occupata dalla “ederle” più la “housing area”
The Liberal Dictionary: O - Organised Crime
Hina warmed to the Italian way, with her tight jeans and T-shirts, for €2m of a building on Lake Garda capable of housing some 40 enslaved prostitutes. The first is Berlusconi's Forza Italia, postmodern heir to Italy's system of
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il crollo della bolla immobiliare
the striking contrast tells the tale of a housing bonanza turned bust. today, the number of unsold homes in the area has soared to almost 46000 from just a few thousand in early 2005. and builders are pulling back as fast as they can.
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