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La Free Software Foundation, formulatrice e divulgatrice della General Public License, licenza per eccellenza adottata dagli sviluppatori della comunità Open Source per disciplinare la distribuzione
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Team Mambo Mambo, the award-winning Open Source Content Management System, announced today the Mambo is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.
OpenSourceCMS - Home
Demo site for open source and freeware based on PHP and MySQL Content Menagement Systems and e-Commerce Systems.
Open Source
Home of all Open Source Projects at Apple Computer.
Open Source Initiative OSI - Welcome
The Open Source Initiative is dedicated to managing and promoting the Open Source trademark for the good of the community. The phrase `open source' has been

Open Source
Home of all Open Source Projects at Apple Computer.
Open Source Initiative OSI - Welcome
The Open Source Initiative is dedicated to managing and promoting the Open Source trademark for the good of the community. The phrase `open source' has been
Open Source Initiative OSI - The Open Source Definition
We think the Open Source Definition captures what the great majority of the software community originally meant, and still mean, by the term "Open Source".
Open source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The principle of sharing predates the open source movement; for example, the free sharing of information has been institutionalized in the scientific
Open-source software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Open source and Free software (or software libre) both describe software which is This reflects the goal of the free software movement. "Open source"
The GNU Operating system - the GNU project - Free Software
Home of the GNU operating system, the GNU General Public License, and the Free Software Foundation. The Open Source Movement branched off from the Free
Planet Source Code
Lets programmers submit code for review by other programmers; many source code samples to help educate beginners on many concepts; contests where
W3C Open Source Software
All W3C software is Open Source/Free Software (see the license) W3C software is free and open source: the software is made primarily by people of the

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