DesktopLinux: Linux Desktop Domination "Just a Matter of Time" Linux Today
"South Africa native and current London resident Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical Ltd. and the Ubuntu Linux distribution, told Friday in an interview that widespread adoption of Linux on the desktop--so long-awaited by many people--'is just a matter of time, IMO.'
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[ Thanks to omnius for this link. ] "In an interesting twist of irony, Oracle, which is taking aim at Linux leader Red Hat for being too expensive, is being undercut with an open source challenge to its namesake database.
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to Linux Today
Windows Server 2003 Case Study: See how and why the world's largest domain name registrar switched from Linux to Windows. The Microsoft .NET Framework provided a better, more robust development environment than Linux, making it easier for Go Daddy engineers to build quality products.
GraFX Software Solutions Releases Mini Open CMS, a New, Small Content Management System PR Web
GraFX ltd. has released today a minimized version of his popular Company Website Builder solution. MiniCWB is a small Content Management Software and is meant to satisfy the needs of those who do not have access to a database, but want a dynamic website, editable through admin area and most of all, based on a free solution. The most important aspect about this software is that it is search engine
GraFX Software Solutions Releases Mini Open CMS, a New, Small Content Management System PR Web via Yahoo! News
(PRWEB) November 16, 2006 -- GraFX ltd. has released today a minimized version of his popular Company Website Builder solution.
Debian Admin: Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft LAMP Server Installation with Screenshots Linux Today
[ Thanks to david for this link. ] "Automatic LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) In about 15 minutes, the time it takes to install Ubuntu Edgy Server Edition, you can have a LAMP server up and ready to go. This feature, exclusive to Ubuntu Server Edition, is available at the time of installation.
IBPhoenix: Firebird 2.0 Release Statement Linux Today
[ Thanks to mariuz for this link. ] "Firebird 2.0 brings a large collection of long-awaited enhancements that significantly improve performance, security and support for international languages and realise some desirable new SQL language features.
Verio Expands Reseller Opportunities with New Virtualized Web Hosting
November 9, 2006 – Verio Inc., a leading provider of hosting and managed services, today announced the third generation of its FreeBSD Virtual Private Server solution (VPS v3) for its viaVerio® reseller partners.
Verio Unveils New Virtualized Hosting Solution
November 8, 2006 - Verio Inc., a leading provider of hosting and managed services, today unveiled the third generation of its FreeBSD-based Virtual Private Server solution (VPS v3), updated with improved server efficiency and support for the newest technologies.
Verio Launches FreeBSD-based VPS Web Host Industry Review
November 8, 2006 -- Web hosting provider Verio announced on Wednesday it has launched the third generation of its FreeBSD-based virtual private server solution, updated with improved server efficiency and support for the newest technologies.

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