mIRC 6.21 Released
mIRC 6.21 was released today and is available for download from various locations. From the announcement, "As always this new version of mIRC addresses many of menu item to System Menu Flash/Beep items, allowing channel/query/chat
bob has an IRC relapse and nominates 2 guys for Nobel Peace Prize
God only knows who used IRC before 1995 (I first used an IRC client on CompuServe), It's shareware, and Honest Decent Human Beings who download and use mIRC are I've been in Chat Rehab for the last few years, trying to pay more
Online meeting and chit-chat election day!!!
To join the IRC chat, do the following: 1) Download our pre-configured mIRC chat client here: Gun Chat mIRC 2) Run the program, put in your name, username, and email, and click Connect to server! 3) You may also use the web java client
Freedom: Server Administration is a chatroom for webmasters. You can chat online using a web client on the site, or connect directly via IRC. I’d definitely recommend the latter, and you can download an IRC client such as mIRC. If you already have mIRC
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direct download/ddl: your basic downloading from a website, mirc xdcc/ctcp:known as xabi direct client to client protocol or client to client protocol, by governments in many countries. mirc stands for mass internet relay chat,
Live Illinois Gun Chat --
This will be for all gun owners, gun rights supporters, and anyone else interested. Check out the new website here: You can use the java webclient, or download a pre-configured mIRC distribution (recommended).
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No Menu Space
Like Linux or mIrc. - AutoSlideshow - Shows a slideshow of all images of a easy to use and highly extensible Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client. Clean And Close 2.0 - Adds a Clean And Close button to your download manager.
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tonights application allows you to put irc chat right into visual studio. the add-in i had never written anything for irc, nor had i ever written a visual studio download the source here private messages are supported! issues:

mIRC - An Internet Relay Chat program
Official Webpage of the popular shareware IRC Chat client mIRC. mIRC is shareware, which means that you can download mIRC and try it out freely for 30
Download mIRC or the mIRC FAQ.
Download the popular shareware IRC Chat client mIRC here. This is the official download page with a loong list of download addresses all over the world.
Download Software - Client IRC, programmi di chat e di
In questa sezione della SABALand viene proposta una piccola selezione di programmi di chat e comunicazione online da scaricare gratuitamente.
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Chat mIRC Community Giovani Incontri Ragazze Ragazzi Informazioni generali sulle chat IRC e il loro funzionamento per avvicinare gli utenti inesperti a
Chat - Programmi - IRC Client -
La prima tecnologia utilizzata per programmi di chat fu l'IRC, ''Internet Relay Chat'', Chat IRC di casa Microsoft, è integrata in Internet Explorer 5,

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Chat mIRC Community Giovani Incontri Ragazze Ragazzi Informazioni generali sulle chat IRC e il loro funzionamento per avvicinare gli utenti inesperti a
Download mIRC or the mIRC FAQ.
Download the ular shareware IRC Chat client mIRC here. This is the official download page with a loong list of download addresses all over the world.
Chat Programmi IRC Client
La prima tecnologia utilizzata per programmi di chat fu l'IRC, ''Internet Relay Chat'', Chat IRC di casa Microsoft, è integrata in Internet Explorer 5,
mIRC Free Software Downloads and Software Reviews
mIRC Chat with other people and participate in group discussions. Review and free download at
Help for the mIRC Chat Client
Got mIRC? Download, FAQ, installation help, use and scripting. *. mIRC is by far the most ular Internet Relay Chat client for Windows and thus among all
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