Israeli 'budget' cluster bombs killing civilians The Scotsman
THE Israeli army preferred saving money to saving the lives of Lebanese civilians, when it went to war against Hezbollah, according to sources within the Jewish state's armed forces.
Divide & Conquer Implied in Proposed Map of New ME
It was meant to be a joke and it got a big laugh from TV host Tavis Smiley when his guest, political pundit Andy Borowitz quipped, “George Bush plans to withdraw all his troops from Iraq – to Iran. That’s the plan - the exit strategy.”
Al-Qaeda 'planning for nuclear attack' The Scotsman
Al-QAEDA is determined to acquire the technology to carry out a nuclear attack on the West, a senior Foreign Office official warned yesterday.
US vetoes security council resolution on Gaza Scotland on Sunday
THE United States vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution yesterday that condemns an Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip and demands Israeli troops pull out of the territory.
In a day-long meeting of the Security Council today, called jointly by the Arab League, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Non-Aligned Movement in light of intensifying Israeli military operations in Gaza, fuelled yesterday by the deaths of at least 18 civilians in Beit Hanoun, more than 40 speakers expressed grave concern at the mounting humanitarian toll, with many demanding an
The Power of Israel in the United States Middle East Online
Stephen Lendman reviews the latest book by James Pertas on the power of the Jewish lobby in America. The book documents the enormous influence of the lobby on US foreign policy which only serves the interests of Israel.
Hamas 'human shield' women shot The Scotsman
HAMAS unveiled a new battle tactic yesterday, summoning dozens of women into the front line as human shields to enable the escape of militiamen surrounded by the Israeli army in a Gaza mosque.
Valve Weekly Update Voodoo Extreme
October 27, 2006 - This week's Valve update talks a little bit about the Counter-Strike: Source weapon pricing beta and also the upcoming free booster pack for Red Orchestra.
PM arrives in Kerala Kaumundi Online
Elaborate security arrangements have been made in the city and surrounding areas, as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arrived here yesterday night for a two-day visit packed with engagements, including the inauguration of the Golden jubilee of formation of Kerala State today.

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