Old Tibetan culture clings on in remote Indian state Guardian Unlimited
On the Tawang to Lhasa highway, climbing past a moonscape of craggy mountains and luminous lakes, is a road sign that sums up why this edge of India is bitterly contested. It reads: Lhasa [capital of China's Tibet] 508km, Delhi, [capital of India] 2534km.
Last vestige of old Tibetan culture clings on Guardian Unlimited
Beijing insists on claim to territory in runup to President Hu's visit to Delhi.
An N-awakening of the Arab world News From Bangladesh
This is a phenomenal and firm step. In a volatile world dictated by nations that have huge stockpile of nuclear weapons, the recent decision of the six Arab states, i.e. Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia to go nuclear has come a long-awaited bold policy shift in the Middle East.
Configure QoS on your Cisco router with this template Tech Republic
Using quality of service (QoS) on Cisco network devices helps provide both bandwidth and priority to certain types of network traffic. In this edition of Cisco Routers and Switches, David Davis walks you through the basics of configuring QoS on a Cisco router and shows you how our downloadable template makes it easier.
Cycling across Iowa The San Luis Obispo Tribune
Editor’s note: This is the first portion of a two-part, first-person account on San Luis Obispo cyclist R.W. Battles’ experiences during the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. For the completion of this story, please check out next Wednesday’s Great Outdoors page in The Tribune.
Divide & Conquer Implied in Proposed Map of New ME
It was meant to be a joke and it got a big laugh from TV host Tavis Smiley when his guest, political pundit Andy Borowitz quipped, “George Bush plans to withdraw all his troops from Iraq – to Iran. That’s the plan - the exit strategy.”
Israeli 'budget' cluster bombs killing civilians The Scotsman
THE Israeli army preferred saving money to saving the lives of Lebanese civilians, when it went to war against Hezbollah, according to sources within the Jewish state's armed forces.
Al-Qaeda 'planning for nuclear attack' The Scotsman
Al-QAEDA is determined to acquire the technology to carry out a nuclear attack on the West, a senior Foreign Office official warned yesterday.
US vetoes security council resolution on Gaza Scotland on Sunday
THE United States vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution yesterday that condemns an Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip and demands Israeli troops pull out of the territory.
Israel’s Olmert heads to US for talks on Iran nuclear bid Khaleej Times
JERUSALEM - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday heads to Washington where he will receive a warm welcome from Israel’s chief ally after his calls to get tough on arch-foe Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

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