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the options dialog is very, very complete - especially when you enable 'show to the options dialog. occasionally a plugin has a separate dll for icons, very cool. this goes together very well with mtooltip, described below.
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mirc 5.6 : spiritmaster, 11170-1155048 cool search maker v1.50 name: jetdown.com code: 278307131777 nag msg that says it can't find the dll(s) before released) when the dialog appears asking you to insert
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et ainsi qu'un on dialog pour les évenements etc qu'un on signal. Je pense que tu aurais dû faire comme MDX ,retravaillait cette dll en ajoutant des
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Tips dialog + Fmod.dll + Fmod.dll Configuration Dialog + Simple Statusbar editor le Script est bien,cool beau niveau graphisque belles icones .
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Dialog Grabber can view and convert dialogs from .exe and .dll files into mIRC Play mp3 files right from mIRC with this cool addon full of features!
ScriptsDB.org - Ressources en mIRC Scripting, Scripts, Addons
et ainsi qu'un on dialog pour les évenements etc qu'un on signal. Je pense que tu aurais dû faire comme MDX ,retravaillait cette dll en ajoutant des
ScriptsDB.org - Ressources en mIRC Scripting, Scripts, Addons
Tips dialog + Fmod.dll + Fmod.dll Configuration Dialog + Simple Statusbar editor le Script est bien,cool beau niveau graphisque belles icones .
mIRC Scripts Dot Com - Addons for mIRC 5.8, 5.81, and 5.82
Dialog Grabber can view and convert dialogs from .exe and .dll files into mIRC Play mp3 files right from mIRC with this cool addon full of features!
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A dialog based acronym and nick completor. easy to customize and user Plugin DLL to add encrypted SSL IRC server support to mIRC without the use of
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Fixed a nasty bug that made it so the dll failed to function if a window or dialog had "soulseek" in the title. October 23rd, 2004:
mIRC Downloads - scripts, addons, dlls, themes, and code snippets
The docked dialog is overlaping the scrollbar Anyway your dll is very cool and useful. I am using RebaR.dll until UltraDock.dll is finished.
Et Voila! Instant desktop irc window! Very slick. The full complement of standard 0irc.exe commands work with the .dll version (documented in the included
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Ma 1ere source , dialog blagues , avis aux comiques :D Laissez vos commentaires je tacherai C'est un dll qui permet de mettre votre mirc hide ou show.