In the News: Which CMS to Use?
Blosxom gets a nod from NewsForge as they talk about choosing an open source CMS. Always nice to get some press
Sitecore takes BNP CMS awards – Security, Development, partner model
Synkron Via, Sitecore CMS, Tangora Portal CMS, Dynamic Web, Composite CMS ver. FatWire Content Server, Oracle Portal, Rhythmyx, Red Dot CMS, Roxen CMS, (some designed for communities, - where open source has a great advantage).
Squiz To Demo v3.10 Of Its Open Source CMS At The IMS Show, London
Squiz announced that it will be demonstrating the latest release of it?s enterprise-class open source CMS, MySource Matrix, to Internet Publishers at the Information Management Solutions Show at London?s Olympia.
MySource Matrix Open Source CMS - Home
MySource Matrix is a powerful Open Source Content Management System (CMS) written in PHP and is suitable for many types of organisations
Joomla, Easy Open Source CMS
Joomla - An Open Source CMS worth looking at. Joomla is an open source CMS system (CMS stands for Content Management System). I'm currently using Joomla to develop a number of themed web sites. The [Author: John Childs - Computers
open source cms joomla! ensures website security with acunetix web
joomla!, an open-source content management system, uses acunetix web vulnerability scanner to automatically audit its php-based website. acunetix wvs scans the site for sql injection, cross-site scripting and other vulnerabilities,
Web 2.0 seminar, WM ICT Cluster, open source CMS, Rails training
Open source CMS seminar was well attended, as always, and interesting. The only issue I think is that it's difficult giving a fair demo of all of the systems, particularly since I only use Drupal in anger. Slides are again on the OA
XOOPS, Powerful Open Source PHP CMS
XOOPS is an extensible, Object Oriented, and easy to use dynamic web content management system written in PHP. Ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals,
open source cms award voting closes
open source cms award voting closes. wednesday, november 8, 2006 | open source the voting for the 2006 open source content management system award has now closed. thank you to all who entered. see more
2006 open source cms award: one week left to vote!
after six weeks of voting, we have now entered the final week before voting closes on the 2006 open source cms award. 15000 votes have been taken so far for drupal, e107, joomla, plone and xoops and the results are suprisingly close.
OpenSourceCMS - Home
Demo site for open source and freeware based on PHP and MySQL Content Menagement Systems and e-Commerce Systems.
dBlog CMS (Content Management System) Open Source - Piattaforma
dBlog è una piattaforma per blog e un cms open source per siti web: un software gratis per blog da scaricare.
Content management system - Wikipedia
1 Cenni storici; 2 Il problema della gestione dei contenuti; 3 I CMS nel web; 4 Vantaggi dei CMS; 5 Limiti dei CMS; 6 Software open source; 7 Voci correlate
Scegliere un CMS open source | <edit> - Il blog di HTML.it
Un articolo pieno di suggerimenti sulla scelta del CMS open source adatto ai nostri scopi.
Scegliere il CMS Open Source per le proprie esigenze -- Fucinaweb
I sistemi di gestione dei contenuti ( CMS ) Open Source sono migliaia. E’ una verra manna, ma è anche un bel problema capire quello che potrebbe fare al
dBlog CMS (Content Management System) Open Source - Piattaforma
dBlog è una piattaforma per blog e un cms open source per siti web: un software gratis per blog da scaricare.
Content management system - Wikipedia
1 Cenni storici; 2 Il problema della gestione dei contenuti; 3 I CMS nel web; 4 Vantaggi dei CMS; 5 Limiti dei CMS; 6 Software open source; 7 Voci correlate
Scegliere un CMS open source | <edit> - Il blog di HTML.it
Un articolo pieno di suggerimenti sulla scelta del CMS open source adatto ai nostri scopi.
Scegliere il CMS Open Source per le proprie esigenze -- Fucinaweb
I sistemi di gestione dei contenuti ( CMS ) Open Source sono migliaia. E’ una verra manna, ma è anche un bel problema capire quello che potrebbe fare al
I Vantaggi di TYPO3 cms open source
Utilizzare il cms TYPO3 è una scelta strategica per imprese, enti e associazioni che licenza gratuita: TYPO3 è un sistema editoriale open source,
Prototipo di sito per un museo medio-piccolo - Licenza
La piattaforma Museo&Web CMS Open Source è distribuita sotto licenza GPL, fornire Museo&Web CMS Open Source senza allegare la licenza originale
Open source CMS list
List of open source content management and application server systems maintained by Karl Dubost. Includes interesting sections or email, IRC and other
Asolo golf club, organizzato da Connecting-Managers, 29 giugno 2004. Il nostro intervento: CMS open source visualizza le slide [PDF 570 KB]