


mirc clone v1.7
added by bill on saturday 30th of september @ 02:23pm - 3 comments - rating: 4/5
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三、irc flood的天然工具: irc clone(2)
这样的clone已经有专门的脚本进行控制了。但由于需要多开mirc,所以其数量有限。 罗嗦一句,此时已经有了专门的clone程序,用c语言写成,独立于irc客户端直接运行,也 是本机运行。 这一个阶段,基本上达到了当前的irc clone所能够到达的极致。
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4.1 irc flood的防护-个人防护
由于irc上普通用户之间的私人信息传递是必须针对固定nick的,因此,一旦nick改变, 对方的私人flood信息将失去目标,无法发送到新更改的nick。除非攻击者知道被攻击者所 改变的新nick并且立即指挥其clone重新确定攻击目标。不过,当用户处于+i模式下,只要
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extensions::releases :: isxirc -- irc client for innerspace
the sample script #1, with just a few simple modifications, will serve as everything you will need until someone finishes a true mirc clone for isxirc/innerspace. (hendrix is working on one, and i think it'll be great). however,
4.3.1.b 通过频道模式防御频道flood
通常的clone,当进来一个,并且发送flood信息之后,频道的管理员或者bot应当已经能够 反应过来,而此时第2个clone可能还没有进来或者刚刚进来。由于其数量少,因此留给管理 员的时间足以用来处理clone了。 对于这个思路,我们在 mirc 下,用下面这两句remote
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nonamescript is an enhancement for the most popular of all irc clients for windows, mirc. while easy to use, it is aimed at the more experienced irc user that clone scanner, alarm timer, kick/ban/dcc histories and much, much more.
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Author Description:, Xchat Clone is a mIRC script that attempts to mimic the stylings and functionality of the Unix IRC client Xchat.
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Mondo IRC . net
"Come posso scrivere un clone scanner" è una delle domande che più frequentemente ho più importanti: il file di help di mIRC ed i loro propri cervelli.
Mondo IRC . net Forum - Clone scan ( on join )
mIRC Scripting Clone scan ( on join ), Nuovo Topic · Rispondi al Topic Più precisamente vorrei che al join di un untente clone mi segnalasse il nome
mIRC Scripts Dot Com - Download Xchat Clone 2.5
Author Description:, Xchat Clone is a mIRC script that attempts to mimic the stylings and functionality of the Unix IRC client Xchat.
DR-Clone - mIRC Code Snippet -
mIRC Code Snippets > DR-Clone by DarthReven haltdef } else { echo %clone.c 12 ( 15 No Clones Found 12 ) unset %clone.* haltdef } } else { goto scan
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