mIRC 6.21 Released
mIRC 6.21 was released today and is available for download from various locations. From the announcement, "As always this new version of mIRC addresses many of menu item to System Menu Flash/Beep items, allowing channel/query/chat
MIRC v6.21 with KeyMaker
Appz group DVT released a new version of probably the most known IRC client mIRC. This legend of the internet relay chat still provides the easiest and best user interface, at least I have never switched to anything else.
mIRC 6.21 released
[From Eric Mann] mIRC version 6.21 has been released Thursday November 23rd, As always this new version of mIRC addresses many of the issues reported allowing channel/query/chat windows to use the default settings as set in the
bob has an IRC relapse and nominates 2 guys for Nobel Peace Prize
It's shareware, and Honest Decent Human Beings who download and use mIRC are I've been in Chat Rehab for the last few years, trying to pay more and insults hurling back and forth through the Chat-o-Sphere in times of war.
Online meeting and chit-chat election day!!!
To join the IRC chat, do the following: 1) Download our pre-configured mIRC chat client here: Gun Chat mIRC 2) Run the program, put in your name, username, and email, and click Connect to server! 3) You may also use the web java client
IRC Chat Extension for Firefox
IRC, Internet Relay Chat, is one of the greatest communication platforms on the internet. You normally connect to one of the IRC servers using tools like mirc for instance. Once connected you may want to start by receiving a list of
Freedom: Server Administration is a chatroom for webmasters. You can chat online using a web client on the site, or connect directly via IRC. I’d definitely recommend the latter, and you can download an IRC client such as mIRC. If you already have mIRC
Live Illinois Gun Chat --
I created a new website today, and started a dedicated Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server for us. This will be for all gun owners, You can use the java webclient, or download a pre-configured mIRC distribution (recommended).
firefox addons [my favourite]
i am bored using yahoo, rediff, etc. messengers. how long should i use them ??? ten came irc [ internet relay chat ]. mirc was free in beginning but now it has paid… so i am searching for alternatives. i found this one useful. i need
Codename Revolution IRC CHAT IS OPEN!
(SECOND OPTION) CLICK HERE TO CHAT THROUGH AN IRC CLIENT! All you need an IRC Client like mIRC. I prefer mIRC as the best internet relay chat client out there so if you haven’t installed it yet you can Click Here.

Benvenuto nella Chat IRC di Virgilio :-) IRC, Internet Relay Chat, è uno spazio di incontro virtuale che permette di dialogare con persone di qualsiasi
::: - mIRC in Italiano
I vincitori devono contattarci via web qui. o via chat su Azzurra #tuttoirc specificando user e pass utilizzati per il concorso.
Chat - Chat sul web - Mille e una chat -
Una web chat basata sul canale IRC #chattiamo; è piuttosto frequentata ed ha La nuova chat IRC di Excite è molto frequentata e ricca di canali;
Chat - Programmi - IRC Client -
La prima tecnologia utilizzata per programmi di chat fu l'IRC, ''Internet Relay Chat'', Chat IRC di casa Microsoft, è integrata in Internet Explorer 5,
Internet Relay Chat - Wikipedia
Poiché girano su molti server (di provider differenti), le chat IRC non presentano la lentezza di caricamento delle chat accessibili da siti web.

Chat - Chat sul web - Mille e una chat -
Una web chat basata sul canale IRC #chattiamo; è piuttosto frequentata ed ha La nuova chat IRC di Excite è molto frequentata e ricca di canali;
Chat - Programmi - IRC Client -
La prima tecnologia utilizzata per programmi di chat fu l'IRC, ''Internet Relay Chat'', Chat IRC di casa Microsoft, è integrata in Internet Explorer 5,
Internet Relay Chat - Wikipedia
Poiché girano su molti server (di provider differenti), le chat IRC non presentano la lentezza di caricamento delle chat accessibili da siti web.
Aiuto:Canale IRC - Wikipedia
Per entrare nella chat è necessario scaricare un software di piccole dimensioni detto client IRC. Vedi qui sotto nella sezione Elenco di alcuni client IRC.
Chat Gratis - Tutto Gratis
La chat gratis di Telecom Italia Net che sperimenta questo nuovo servizio di chat studiato per IRC con la facilità di un software Java.
mIRC - An Internet Relay Chat program
Official Webpage of the popular shareware IRC Chat client mIRC.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Help
The most complete Internet Relay Chat (IRC) help site, with nearly 800 helpful files including FAQs, primers, technical guides, downloadable clients and
Wikinotizie:Canale IRC - Wikinotizie
È ora possibile connettersi in chat anche tramite browser collegandosi al seguente indirizzo

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