Burn CD audio with pregap othet than 2 seconds
Forum: Linux - Software Posted By: dive Post Time: 11-24-2006 at 07:30 AM
Resurrect your old PC for Music with Linux
O'Reilly -- Resurrect Your Old PC for Music—with Linux - this article will show you how to resurrect a tired old PC by installing a modern operating system, and then revitalize the computer as an internet-enabled CD player, DVD burner,
Rails on Synology CubeStation CS-406
"linux" ]; then # stty erase #fi export PATH HOME=/root export HOME CubeStation> mkdir -p /volume1/test CubeStation> cd /volume1/test CubeStation> rails cube CubeStation> cd cube CubeStation> ruby script/server
cd linux for p233
forum: linux - software posted by: 614cooker post time: 09-25-2006 at 09:38 am
Monopix-Live CD Linux distribution
Monoppix is a Live CD Linux distribution (based on Knoppix), which means you pop it in your CD drive, reboot, and you're running Linux. It works without installing a thing on your hard drive - it runs completely off the CD and RAM.
opening audio cd in redhat linux
Forum: Linux - Software Posted By: pnatu Post Time: 11-22-2006 at 01:04 AM
Opening audio cd in redhat linux
Forum: Linux - General Posted By: pnatu Post Time: 11-22-2006 at 01:13 AM
Total Loss, Almost
There are many Linux LiveCD available on the net and they are a real life saver CD: “ †Released: ASIN:. “One Man Dog†was a gift from my best friend CD: “ †Released: ASIN:. Blood on the Track and Automatic for the People are
Burning CDs in Linux Unix
See manpage. $ man cdrecord If you need to make your iso file bootable, look at the manual for mkisofs. (Several options) $ man mkisofs (This should not be needed if you have downloaded a live cd or a Unix Linux distribution.
Fix a dual boot Windows Vista and Linux problem
Step # 1: Boot from Fedora Core Linux 1st CD or DVD. Set BIOS to boot from CD/DVD rom. At boot: prompt type command linux rescue boot: linux rescue. Just follow on screen instructions, when prompted let installer search Linux
Ultimate Boot CD [Download software gratis Freeware Recupero
Scarica Ultimate Boot CD per Linux, Download per Linux. Altri Link. Screenshot di Ultimate Boot CD, Screenshot (5.64 KB). Invia a un amico
LiveCD Linux - Framasoft
Linux Live CD Router est un Live CD pour partager rapidement sa connexion internet Un mini-Linux sur CD pour s’amuser et surfer sans danger. | TUX | GPL
Goemon.polito.it: Redirect
L'url corretta è http://linux.studenti.polito.it. This page is a time delay redirect, please update your bookmarks to our new location!
KNOPPIX - Live Linux Filesystem On CD
Überblick über die komplette von CD lauffähige, Debian-basierte Distribution einschließlich Netzwerktools, KDE-Oberfläche, GIMP und OpenOffice.org.
Utente mascherato segnala "Su http://tuttosulinux.cjb.net è possibile richiedere gratuitamente l'invio dei cd delle principali Distribuzioni Linux,
Goemon.polito.it: Redirect
L'url corretta è http://linux.studenti.polito.it. This page is a time delay redirect, please update your bookmarks to our new location!
KNOPPIX - Live Linux Filesystem On CD
Überblick über die komplette von CD lauffähige, Debian-basierte Distribution einschließlich Netzwerktools, KDE-Oberfläche, GIMP und OpenOffice.org.
Utente mascherato segnala "Su http://tuttosulinux.cjb.net è possibile richiedere gratuitamente l'invio dei cd delle principali Distribuzioni Linux,
KnoppixItalia.org - Helix il live cd linux per investigare
Helix è una versione personalizzata del "Knoppix Live Linux CD" contenente: i linux kernels 2.4.27 & 2.6.7), Fluxbox window manager, un sistema di hardware
Live CD Linux per servizi di rete :: Open Italia Network :: Open
Da dicembre è disponibile il download di Zeroshell net services, una distribuzione Linux Live CD che in meno di 60MB implementa i principali servizi di rete
Main Page - SystemRescueCd
Description: SystemRescueCd is a linux system on a bootable cdrom for repairing your system That's very useful in case you can't boot from the CD drive.
Live CD : Linux à emporter
Live CD : Linux à emporter : Loin de l'image austère du système d'exploitation en ligne de commande pour « geeks », Linux propose aujourd'hui des centaines
Se si desidera installare Red Hat Linux da un CD-ROM e la relativa unità è collegata al Copiare la directory isolinux/ dal primo Red Hat Linux CD-ROM,