State trooper charged with crime The News Journal
A Delaware State Police corporal has been arrested and charged with collecting and distributing confidential information. State police spokeswoman Sgt. Melissa Zebley said Cpl. Sean McDerby was charged with one count of illegally disseminating an unidentified person's criminal history and 14 counts of unlawful access to other unidentified people's criminal histories. McDerby is accused of using a
Cop pleads not guilty Daily Journal
BRIDGETON -- Mill-ville Police Officer Robert Vanaman pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges he murdered his wife and attempted to cover up the crime.
Vanaman arrested Daily Journal
MILLVILLE -- More than six months after prosecutors say he shot and killed his wife, police Sgt. Robert Vanaman is set to be arraigned at 10 a.m. today in Cumberland County Superior Court.
COHA: Uruguay - Keeping Military in Check
On Friday October 17, former Uruguayan president Juan María Bordaberry and his foreign minister, Juan Carlos Blanco, were placed under arrest.
Millville police officer charged with wife's murder Daily Journal
MILLVILLE -- Police Sgt. Robert Vanaman was arrested on a first-degree murder charge this morning in connection with the shooting death of his wife, Barbara, in May.
Conference spotlights local gang activity Daily Journal
VINELAND -- "A wannabe is a someday going to be," a Cumberland County Prosecutor's Office detective said Wednesday. "I hope you remember that phrase," Dominick Patitucci told those assembled for a gang awareness conference at Cumberland County College.
Forecast Today Bennington Banner
AMHERST, N.H. — Kevin Horton, of Sunderland and a senior at Arlington Memorial High School, competed in the young men's division 5K race at the New England Association Cross Country Championship.
Office space wanted Daily Journal
VINELAND -- Cumberland County freeholders are debating the best location for a new county Prosecutor's Office, and Vineland is in the mix for the first time.
Forecast Today Brattleboro Reformer
The Marble Valley League announced its all-leage stars this week, and several local athletes and coaches received accolades. In Division A field hockey, veteran Brattleboro coach Sherryl Libardoni was chosen as Coach of the Year and had a number of her players recognized.
Supermarkets, gas stations and convenience stores -- Most open regular hours. Cumberland Mall -- Normal hours. Post offices -- Closed today. No regular mail delivery today.

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