open source nanotechnology cad with distributed computing
software maker nanorex acquiring nano-hive, developer of a powerful open source tool that speeds up nanoscale simulation through distributed computing. together, nanorex’s nanoengineer-1 and the renamed nanohive-1 are
Zamzar - Funny name, potentially interesting concept
Currently the industry leader for CAD file conversion is Right Hemisphere with their Instead companies either own multiple pieces of CAD software (ie one Low cost, Web-based CAD file conversion would save the industry time and a
The OSSwin project: Open Source for Windows!
(24/12/2005): OSSwin now also has a separate games page. Go check it out and please promote the organization of an Open-Source-only LAN-party in your neighbourhood! Audio editing tools; Business Software; CAD software; Calendar Software
brl-cad added to osalt.com
brl-cad is an open source cad systems based around constructive solid geometry (csg) modelling. on top of all of it's modelling features, such as the interactive geometry editor, brl-cad offers parallel ray-tracing, path-tracing,
Re: CAD Standards web site.
As for a secure enterprise wiki there are commercial products around and there are a variety of open-source freebie wikis be they *nix or Windows platform. The concern is and should be support for authentication and access control.
open source nanotechnology cad with distributed computing
news from howard lovy, now working with nanorex: i wanted to make sure you saw this news item about molecular simulation software maker nanorex acquiring nano-hive, developer of a powerful open source tool that speeds up nanoscale
Engineering GIS and APWA
I gave a presentation on open source geospatial and its impact on infrastructure that contractors provide submittals documents in both CAD and GIS formats. BCVWD charges about $275 per lot to convert a CAD drawing to GIS format.
objectdcl for autocad is open source
a time ago i mentioned that objectdcl (an interactive replacement of the dcl language for developing dialog boxes within autocad using autolisp) was about to be open source and now it is. 364 files and 7740kb source code in c++
Open Source Geospatial Software as an Enterprise Alternative
Directions mag offers an article named open source geospatial software provides an enterprise alternative for Finally, these managers and their GIS advisors already 'know' that their CAD data cannot support geospatial applications.
re: objectdcl open source
mid-awe wrote: > i've done much of that myself, although, not all companies even allow > vba macros due to possible virus issues which is also why i've > stayed away from it. anyone could do as much damage to your system in a vlisp
Free Software CAD
È un programma CAD Open Source molto versatile e facile da usare con funzioni 2D e 3D dedicato in particolare alla simulazione dei cinematismi e ai
Cad Open Source? - Treddi.com
Mi potete consigliare un programma cad open source che apre bene i dwg ed esporta l'unico cad opensource che mi viene in mente in questo momento è Qcad,
Elenco di programmi open source - Wikipedia
1.1.1 CAD; 1.1.2 CAE. 1.2 Finanza; 1.3 Matematica; 1.4 Scienza [modifica] Raccolte su CD di software open source per Windows
Disegni architettonici, librerie e simboli per autocad.
Questi blocchi possono essere utilizzati con tutti i programmi CAD che sono in grado di La suite ideale per l'ufficio tecnico con programmi Open Source
Roberto Rossi, Free Software e Open Source
SciTE by RR, Open Source Text Editor. I Linguaggi per il CAD Sviluppare Software per AutoCAD/IntelliCAD/ProgeCAD Quale linguaggio scegliere per
Disegni architettonici, librerie e simboli per autocad.
Questi blocchi possono essere utilizzati con tutti i programmi CAD che sono in grado di La suite ideale per l'ufficio tecnico con programmi Open Source
Roberto Rossi, Free Software e Open Source
SciTE by RR, Open Source Text Editor. I Linguaggi per il CAD Sviluppare Software per AutoCAD/IntelliCAD/ProgeCAD Quale linguaggio scegliere per
CIT - CAD e GIS - Software, plugin, utilities
Vasto repertorio di librerie ed articoli tecnici sui più diffusi CAD, tutto gratuito. Sviluppo applicazioni pocket pc, web gis, mapguide open source.
Fiorese spa, Open Source dal CAD al fax server | Open Source
Fiorese spa, Open Source dal CAD al fax server | Open Source | News | Manuali.net.
Open Directory - World: Italiano: Computer: Software
Mà Tò - CAD/CAM 2D orientato alla lavorazione del legno, è possibile programmare lavorazioni Roberto Rossi - Dedicato al Free Software e all'Open Source.
[FoLUG]cad opensource
[FoLUG]cad opensource. Davide Giunchi folug@lists.linux.it Company Matra Datavision per la realizzazione di Salome, un piattaforma CAD open source.
The Civil Engineering Portal - Open Source
Develop finite element stress analysis programs, that work with free cad Support System) is an Open Source/Free Software Geographical Information System
A 2D CAD system for Linux, Unix Systems, Mac OS X and Windows, released as Open Source for unix based systems.