Syntax error: line 1 using Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX
I read the last post from Rick Strahl about IE 7 Script Errors. When you have Script Debugging enabled in your Internet Explorer settings you will get an alert when the script error Is there a common problem with Microsoft ASP.
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i am looking for (an asp) script, similar to the type of script that forums use to register their members. however, all that i want this script to do is to request the prospective member to create a user name & password and then
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Date display in Firefox
I use the following Javascript on some sites and it displays fine in IE but in Firefox the year displays as "106" instead of 2006. Is there another script that works well in both? <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><!-- var DayOfWeek = new.
can`t delete record from msaccess with asp script
i'm using an html form to get the delete value (to pass to the asp script) to delete a record. just a simple, easy, classic delete. the script runs fine, no errors, and shows the line " the record was successfully deleted !
Help with simple ASP script
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a simple ASP script to write a txt file using a single variable passed from flash
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an asp expert is needed to analyze a site. you will investigate why scripts are running at a slow speed. you will then need to fix the script, this is relating to a display date function. please send a quote for your fix after viewing
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forum: asp posted by: emsee post time: 10-04-2006 at 11:21 am
&#39;Sys&#39; is undefined - ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
NET AJAX Enabled WebSites using the ASP.NET AJAX Beta 2, This error may come particularly if you are upgrading from Beta 1 to Beta 2. The error is primarily because a new script resource handler is added which requires an entry in the

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