EWC Gallery Exhibition Highlights Joys of Toys : 11/24/2006
ldquo;They have also continued an important tradition that reflects local customs, legends, and environment in which they were created. and [[ Please visit http://www.eastwestcenter.org/events-pr.asp for the complete News Release ]
MBA Program
New course offered together by The European Business School (EEN) & don Quijote Salamanca
GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daily Clips - November 24, 2006
http://www.dailyherald.com/opinion/fencepost.asp CHICAGO SUN-TIMES -- Time for Patti Blagojevich to explain business deals - Editorial http://www.suntimes.com/news/commentary/147992,CST-EDT-edits24b.article
Ocean Margins LINK programme: end of programme conference
The final scientific meeting of the Ocean Margins LINK Programme took place at the Geological Society, London 15-16 November 2006
Digital Bible Player
At last - a pious portable media player. (SF in the News
McCahan elected fellow of AAAS
Professor Susan McCahan of mechanical engineering is among the 449 members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to be elected a fellow of the association, an honour recognizing scientifically or socially
NEWS: 2007 Second Trimester Catalog
2007 Second Trimester Catalog 11/24/2006 -- Interested in what's coming out next year? The online catalog now lists second trimester products, May to August 2007 -- everything from Drow of the Underdark to Expedition to the Ruins of
Armed Cartoonist Forces Evacuation of Miami Herald Building
Miami police evacuated the The Miami Herald building this morning after a man claiming to be armed walked into the
Sara Evans Dances With Jerry Springer On Tour, What's More
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Law Firm Clifford Chance advises Lagardère on the acquisition of
A 'Deals' Press Release from Clifford Chance Check out the LawFuel Jobs Network at http://www.lawfuel.com/law-jobs.asp
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